Nutria events

St. Nicholas with a cultural program for children Miklavževanje s kulturnim programom za otroke

culture entertainment children

St. Nicholas also comes to Vipava.

The Cultural Center in Vipava will be held on Thursday, 5. 12. 2024, at 17 h St. Nicholas Day with a cultural program organized by the scattered attic Association and the local community of Vipava.

On the eve of his feast, Saint Nicholas will visit and give gifts to children from Vipava, Hill Fort, Zemon and Nanos up to 9 years old.

Enrollment of children in the Golden Book of St. Nicholas will be possible before the event in the lobby of the Cultural Center.


Sveti Miklavž prihaja tudi v Vipavo.

V kulturnem domu v Vipavi bo v četrtek, 5. 12. 2024, ob 17 h Miklavževanje s kulturnim programom, ki ga prirejata Društvo Razmetano podstrešje in Krajevna skupnost Vipava.

Na predvečer svojega goda bo sveti Miklavž obiskal in obdaril otroke iz Vipave, Gradišča, Zemona in Nanosa, stare do 9 let.

Vpis otrok v Miklavževo zlato knjigo bo možen pred dogodkom v avli kulturnega doma.


Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
KS Vipava in Društvo razmetano podstrešje
Location: Kulturni dom Vipava, 5271 Vipava