Nutria events

St. Nicholas at Vinarium Lendava with The Descent of St. Nicholas on the zipline Miklavževanje pri Vinarium Lendava s spustom Miklavža po ziplinu

entertainment gastronomy children

We invite you to St. Nicholas at Vinarium Lendava, which will be 7. December at 14. uri, at the Vinarium Lendava Tower, where you can see St. Nicholas ' descent, treat yourself to mulled wine, tea or a glass of good wine from local providers and part with Christmas music in a festive atmosphere.


14.00: gathering the curious

14.15: descent of St. Nicholas on the only double steel cable in Slovenia Zipline Vinarium

After the descent: giving gifts to children

Spice up your Saturday at the Vinarium Lendava Tower.

Kindly invited!

Vabimo vas na Miklavževanje pri Vinarium Lendava, ki bo 7. decembra ob 14. uri , pri stolpu Vinarium Lendava, kjer si lahko ogledate Miklavžev spust, si privoščite kuhano vino, čaj ali kozarec dobrega vina lokalnih ponudnikov in se podružite ob božični glasbi v prazničnem vzdušju.


14.00: zbiranje radovednežev

14.15: spust Miklavža po edini dvojni jeklenici v Sloveniji Zipline Vinarium

Po spustu: obdarovanje otrok

Popestrite si soboto pri stolpu Vinarium Lendava.

Vljudno vabljeni!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Turistična zveza Lendava vabi
Location: Stolp Vinarium, 9220 Lendava/Lendva