Nutria events

St. Nicholas concert GCC 2024 Miklavžev koncert GCC 2024


Rok Lipnik,, 03 4285700.

Nonet GCC with Artistic Director Barbara Arlic Kerstein, Girls Choir GCC 1. the girls 'choir GCC under the direction of Eva Mutec, The Girls' Choir GCC under the direction of David Pronnik, Favoz under the direction of Daniel Berden, Poptastic under the direction of Sandra Feketi, the dance group GCC under the direction of Nikita Omerzu and the instrumental ensemble Gips Entertainment sextet GCC and the Schlagers with mentor Sasha Shonc are invited to the traditional St. Nicholas concert of the gymnasium Celje - Center.

This time the concert will take place on Thursday, 5. 12., at 19.00 at Narodni Dom Celje. The program will include selected works from the Slovenian and world music treasures. With the concert, students and their mentor will honor the passing year, explore the rich traditions of the holiday season and new beginnings.

At the same time, the concert is also an introduction to the festive events at the school and in the princely city, so we are invited to create and relive the creativity of Advent and Christmas time together.

Admission is free!

Rok Lipnik,, 03 4285700.

Nonet GCC z umetniško vodjo Barbaro Arlič Kerstein, Dekliški pevski zbor GCC 1. letnika pod vodstvom Eve Mutec, Dekliški pevski zbor GCC pod vodstvom Davida Preložnika, FaVoZa pod vodstvom Danijela Berdena, Poptastic pod vodstvo Sandre Feketija, Plesna skupina GCC pod vodstvom Nikite Omerzu in instrumentalni zasedbi Gipsy sekstet GCC in The Šlagers z mentorjem Sašem Šoncem, vabijo na tradicionalni Miklavžev koncert Gimnazije Celje - Center.

Tokrat bo koncert potekal v četrtek, 5. 12., ob 19.00 v Narodnem domu Celje. Na sporedu bodo izbrana dela iz slovenske in svetovne glasbene zakladnice. S koncertom bodo dijaki in njihovi mentorju počastili iztekajoče se leto, raziskovali bogata izročila prazničnega časa ter novih začetkov.

Koncert je obenem tudi uvod v praznično dogajanje na šoli in v knežjem mestu, zato vabljeni, da skupaj ustvarimo in podoživimo ustvarjalnost adventnega in božičnega časa.

Vstop je prost!

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Narodni dom, Trg celjskih knezov 9, 3000 Celje