Don't Fuck Us - Revolution 3.0
In 2025, two of the strongest poetic-rocker formations from the coast, Zmelkoo / / and Drago Mislej Mef with NOB, join forces (again). The first are the authors of many hits (Bit (meaning of life), time Sunshine, What is wrong with us, Club of people with serious problems, Ko-po ...), known for insightful critical-ironic-intimate-philosophical pieces packed in Noble (gutsy?) and self-contained rock. The second is crowned with the Hedgehog award by a mature-wise singer-songwriter, chronicler and analyst of society and those special people who make it interesting. And together they embark on a musical journey and blueing in the form of a mini – tour Ne Nas jebat-Revolution 3.0. On Wednesday, 9. in April 2025, they will give a concert on the stage of the Narodni Dom Maribor.
Zmelkoow, and the Mef will be at the concert, Not to us, jebat – It 3.0 (without any of the bloodshed it may be, however, against the wine) prekrižali of the guitar, from the main grli Mef, and Goga Sedmak but it is also a language that both of them nabrusila of the best, the masters is samurajskih of swords. Having understood what kind of format of revolution can save the world from final disintegration, both bands will present some of their pieces in a predominantly acoustic version, some will be reworked to each other, some will be sung to the end, as befits a grand finale. They may also surprise with some unexpected musical candy, but we can certainly expect the words 20 EUR is not a clash of two masters of sentences, stories and rhymes. This time they save the world!
Tickets: up to and including 6. in April. 20/, of 7. April onwards, 25 /
Ne Nas Jebat - Revolucija 3.0
V letu 2025 (ponovno) združujeta moči dve najmočnejši pesniško-rockerski formaciji z Obale, Zmelkoow in Drago Mislej Mef z NOB. Prvi so avtorji številnih hitov (Bit (smisel življenja), Čau sonček, Kaj nam fali, Klub ljudi z resnimi težavami, Ko-po …), znani po pronicljivih kritično-ironično-intimno-filozofskih komadih, zapakiranih v žlahten (žlehten?) in samosvoj rock. Drugi je z Ježkovo nagrado okronani zrelo-modri kantavtor, kronist ter analitik družbe in tistih posebnežev, ki jo delajo zanimivo. In skupaj se podajajo na glasbeno potovanje in modrovanje v obliki mini turneje Ne nas jebat – Revolucija 3.0. V sredo, 9. aprila 2025, bodo koncertirali na odru Narodnega doma Maribor.
Zmelkoow in Mef bodo na koncertu Ne nas jebat – Revolucija 3.0 (brez prelivanja krvi, morda bo pa teklo vino) prekrižali kitare, njuni glavni grli Mef in Goga Sedmak pa tudi jezika, ki sta ju nabrusila pri najboljših mojstrih servisiranja samurajskih mečev. Ob modrovanju, kakšen format revolucije lahko reši svet pred dokončnim razpadom, bosta oba banda v pretežno akustični verziji predstavila nekaj svojih komadov, nekaj jih bodo drug drugemu predelali, nekaj za zaključek vkup zapeli, kot se za veliki finale spodobi. Morda presenetijo tudi s kakšnim nepričakovanim glasbenim bombončkom, vsekakor pa lahko pričakujemo tudi besed 20 EUR ni spopad dveh mojstrov povedi, zgodb in rim. Morda pa tokrat rešijo svet!
Vstopnice: Predprodaja do vključno 6. aprila. 20 €, od 7. aprila dalje, 25 €