Nutria events

Medvodko games Medvodkove igralne urice

children entertainment

Medvode library,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.

Hello kids!

Medvodko is looking forward to meeting you. We will play again in our fairy-tale room. Everyone who does not attend kindergarten and does not go to school yet is invited . Bring grandfathers and grandmothers, aunts and uncles with you …

Medvodko hours are held every first Thursday of the month .

Knjižnica Medvode,, +386 (0)1 361 30 53.

Pozdravljeni otroci!

Medvodko se veseli srečanja z vami. Spet se bomo igrali v naši pravljični sobi. Vabljeni vsi, ki ne obiskujete vrtca in še ne hodite v šolo . S seboj pripeljite dedke in babice, tete in strice …

Medvodkove urice potekajo vsak prvi četrtek v mesecu .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Knjižnica Medvode, Cesta Komandanta Staneta 10, 1215 Medvode