Nutria events

Meditation fairy tale for women Meditacijska pravljica za ženske


Through the forest and Meadows, through houses and castles, we will learn about our roles through life. Every relationship, every event leaves a record in our life, certain wounds, they hurt us every time they press the button again, where we haven't processed our life lesson. This time we will recognize the dispute, read the meaning of the Bole and conclude the processes so that we will live fully.

Date: 12.02.2025 time: 18: 00-19. 10 location: healing Grove Tunjice

Applications and additional information: Tel.: 041785675

Skozi gozd in travnike, preko hiš in gradov, bomo spoznavale svoje vloge skozi ž ivljenje. Vsak odnos, vsak dogodek pusti zapis v našem ž ivljenju, dolo č ene rane, nas vsakokrat zabolijo, ko ponovno pritisnejo gumb, kjer š e nismo predelale ž ivljenjske lekcije. Tokrat bomo prepoznale sporo č ila, prebrale pomen bole č ine in zaklju č ile procese, da bomo polno ž ivele.

Datum: 12.02.2025 Ura:18:00-19.10 Lokacija: Zdravilni gaj Tunjice

Cena na osebo: 29,00€, č as trajanja 70minut

Prijave in dodatne informacije: telefon: 041785675

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zdravilni gaj Tunjice
Tunjice 12, 1241 Kamnik
Location: Zdravilni gaj Tunjice, Tunjice 12, 1241 Kamnik