Nutria events

Maria Maria

Maria, 2024, Italy, Germany, USA

Directed By Pablo Larra Alakn

Language: English

Played By: Angelina Jolie, Pierfrancesco Favino, Alba Rohr Modulacher, Haluk Bilginer, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Stephen Ashfield, Valeria Golino

biographical drama, 02h04min

September 1977. Maria Callas is 53 and has not performed in front of an audience for more than four years. She spends her last days in a luxurious Parisian apartment, where only the faithful housekeeper Bruna and butler Ferruccio keep her company. Wandering between past and present, she hopes to find her voice again and return to the stage …


The Chilean director Pablo Larra Oculn returns with the third part of the unofficial trilogy about the famous, tragic women of 20 after the films about Jac Oculueline Kenned (Jackie) and Princess Diana (Spencer). century. The Film imagines the last week in the life of the legendary opera diva, as she struggled with the increasingly blurred lines between the venerated ‘La Callas’ and the vulnerable, fragile Maria.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.

Maria, 2024, Italija, Nemčija, ZDA

Režija: Pablo Larraín

Jezik: angleščina

Igrajo: Angelina Jolie, Pierfrancesco Favino, Alba Rohrwacher, Haluk Bilginer, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Stephen Ashfield, Valeria Golino

biografska drama, 02h04min

September 1977. Maria Callas ima 53 let in že več kot štiri leta ni nastopila pred občinstvom. Svoje zadnje dni preživlja v razkošnem pariškem stanovanju, kjer ji družbo delata le zvesta gospodinja Bruna in butler Ferruccio. Tavajoča med preteklostjo in sedanjostjo upa, da bo znova našla svoj glas in se vrnila na oder …


Čilski režiser Pablo Larraín se po filmih o Jacqueline Kennedy (Jackie) in princesi Diani (Spencer) vrača s tretjim delom neuradne trilogije o slavnih, tragičnih ženskah 20. stoletja. Film si zamišlja zadnji teden v življenju legendarne operne dive, ko se je spopadala z vse bolj zabrisanimi mejami med čaščeno ‘La Callas’ in ranljivo, krhko Mario.

Predprodaja vstopnic: Galerija Alga.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola