Nutria events

Manca Juvan Valley Manca Juvan Dolina

culture exhibition

Internationally renowned and award-winning photographer, photojournalist and videodocumentalist Manca Juvan (1981) presents herself with the documentary-art exhibition Dolina in the match gallery . This explores the impact of industrialisation and industrial pollution in the Central Isonzo Valley in the wider context of everyday life and the beauty of nature.

Mednarodno priznana in nagrajena fotografinja, fotoreporterka in videodokumentaristka Manca Juvan (1981) se v Galeriji Vžigalica predstavlja z dokumentarno-umetniško razstavo Dolina . Ta raziskuje vpliv industrializacije in industrijskega onesnaževanja v srednji Soški dolini v širšem kontekstu vsakdanjega življenja in lepote narave.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane
Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana
01 24 12 500
Location: Galerija Vžigalica, Ljubljana