Sara Lucu, Misha Mi Alitsi Alit and cast
Directed By: Sara Lucu, Misha Mi / / / / / / / / / / /
Authors of the concept and lyrics: Sara Lucu , Misha Mi Alitsi Alit and cast
Directed by: Sara Lucu and Misha Mi / mis / mis / mis / mis / mis /
Dramaturge: Misha Mi / Misha / Misha / Misha / Misha /
Set Designer: Ana Rahela Klopcic
Costume Designer: Olja Grubi /
Music by Juan David Zuleta Marulanda
Stage movement consultant and choreographer: Nina Wombergar
Light designer: Gregor t Animatrner
Scheduled premiere: 29. november 2024, St. James stage. Christening performance.
Jasmina Bejtovic, Luka Beljan, Danaja Koren, Jernej Markelj, Juan David Zuleta Marulanda, Tanja Srednik k. g.
Other contributors:
Head of the show and prop: Sinja Glavan / lighting technician: Gregor t Animtrner / sound technician: Matija Kastelic and Miha Vlaj / Scern technicians: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor t Animtrner, Matija Kastelic and Miha Vlaj / Masker: Nina Toplak / wardrobe: Marko Skok
About the show:
"Through joint authorial research of the dramaturgical-directorial tandem, actors and other creators, I want to create a space of expression in which fearlessness, innovation and content interest are encouraged. With the team, I want to boldly step into the process of my own creativity, expression of opinion and feelings, while exploring interactivity in relation to space and audience."(Sara Lucu and Misha Michi < Br >
Are we slowly saying goodbye to the theater? Can this offer us something new and exciting? Are his transformative times over? What happens to the idea? Text? Space? Body? A game? Audience? Perhaps questioning the collective conventions of the division of roles and behavior in the theater is the solution to revive it, because the introduction of freshness, for the non-dustiness of the content. Let's blow the dust off the lid of the theater chest. Let's open it and ruthlessly throw away what is moldy, weathered, torn, unusable. Let us examine with curiosity what is inspiring, enigmatic, exciting. What is hidden in humor and at the same time is beyond trivial entertainment? Let's imagine a theater where the title is no more important than the play itself. A theater that is not content with itself. A theater that wants to be more penetrating, more sincere, more relevant. A theater where a special community is created between the actors and the audience. Where the transformative effect of the theater after the end of the performance is part of all those present. Let's imagine a theater that does not put us to sleep and does not affirm the status of the moduoo. That shakes us. He grabs, holds and lifts. Far from expected, far from comfortable. And at the same time it feeds on our laughter.
The show uses songs between the sincere people of Mojmir Sepet, Carmine Buran Carl Orff and 2 become 1 the Spice Girls.
Sara Lucu, Mišo Mićić in igralska zasedba
Režija: Sara Lucu, Mišo Mićić
Avtorji koncepta in besedil: Sara Lucu , Mišo Mićić in igralska zasedba
Režiserja: Sara Lucu in Mišo Mićić
Dramaturg: Mišo Mićić
Scenografka: Ana Rahela Klopcic
Kostumografka: Olja Grubić
Avtor glasbe: Juan David Zuleta Marulanda
Svetovalka za odrski gib in koreografinja: Nina Vombergar
Oblikovalec svetlobe: Gregor Törner
Predvidena premiera: 29. november 2024, Šentjakobski oder. Krstna uprizoritev.
Igralska zasedba:
Jasmina Bejtovic, Luka Beljan, Danaja Koren, Jernej Markelj, Juan David Zuleta Marulanda, Tanja Srednik k. g.
Drugi sodelavci:
Vodja predstave in rekviziterka: Sinja Glavan | Lučni tehnik: Gregor Törner | Tonska tehnika: Matija Kastelic in Miha Vlaj | Scernski tehniki: Ivan Kostanjevec, Gregor Törner, Matija Kastelic in Miha Vlaj | Maskerka: Nina Toplak | Garderober: Marko Skok
O predstavi:
»Preko skupnega avtorskega raziskovanja dramaturško-režijskega tandema, igralcev ter drugih ustvarjalcev si želim ustvariti prostor izražanja, v katerem je spodbujena neustrašnost, inovativnost in vsebinska zanimivost. Z ekipi želim pogumno stopiti v proces lastne ustvarjalnosti, izražanja mnenja in občutkov, obenem pa raziskovanja interaktivnosti v odnosu do prostora in občinstva.« ( Sara Lucu in Mišo Mičić)
Se počasi poslavljamo od gledališča? Nam ta še lahko ponudi kaj novega, razburljivega? So njegovi transformativni časi končani? Kaj se dogaja z idejo? Besedilom? Prostorom? Telesom? Igro? Občinstvom? Morda je preizpraševanje kolektivnih konvencij delitve vlog in obnašanja v gledališču rešitev za njegovo obuditev, saj vnos svežine, za nezaprašenost vsebine. Pihnimo prah s pokrova gledališke skrinje. Odprimo jo in neusmiljeno zavrzimo tisto, kar je plesnivo, preperelo, strgano, neuporabno. Z radovednostjo preglejmo tisto, kar je navdihujoče, enigmatično, vznemirljivo. Kaj se skriva v humorju in je obenem onkraj trivialne zabave? Predstavljajmo si gledališče, kjer naslov ni pomembnejši od same predstave. Gledališče, ki se ne zadovolji s samim seboj. Gledališče, ki hoče biti prodornejše, iskrenejše, relevantnejše. Gledališče, kjer se med igralci in občinstvom ustvari posebna skupnost. Kjer je transformativni učinek gledališča po koncu predstave del vseh prisotnih. Predstavljajmo si gledališče, ki nas ne uspava in ne pritrjuje statusu quo. Ki nas pretrese. Prime, drži in dvigne. Daleč od pričakovanega, daleč od udobnega. In se obenem napaja z našim smehom.
V predstavi so uporabljene pesmi Med iskrenimi ljudmi Mojmirja Sepeta, Carmina Burana Carla Orffa ter 2 become 1 The Spice Girls.