Nutria events

LUV FEST, perfect white and black-with a kiss of red! LUV FEST, Popolno belo in črno – s poljubom rdeče!

culture workshop

At the graphic screen printing workshop, we will get to know the contents of the Victor Vasarel exhibition in Echo and the graphic folders perfect white and black for inspiration, and in the following we will also test ourselves how to make opartist artwork.

The number of participants is limited to 15 people.

Applications: .

Participants have a 15 percent discount on certain graphics from the full white and black graphics folder .

In cooperation with Ljubljana Tourism.

Manfredo Massironi, graphic folder perfect white and black, 2005, screen printing.

Na grafični delavnici sitotiska se bomo za navdih spoznali z vsebinami razstave Victor Vasarely v odmevu in grafične mape Popolno belo in črno ter v nadaljevanju tudi sami preizkusili, kako narediti opartistično umetnino.

Število udeležencev je omejeno na 15 oseb.

Prijave: .

Udeleženci imajo 15 odstotkov popusta na določene grafike iz grafične mape Popolno belo in črno .

V sodelovanju s Turizmom Ljubljana.

Manfredo Massironi, grafična mapa Popolno belo in črno, 2005, sitotisk.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
MGLC, Mednarodni grafični likovni center
Pod turnom 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
+386 1 2413 800
Location: MGLC Grad Tivoli