Nutria events

Love Hurts Ljubezen boli

Oscar winner Ke Hu / Amacuan (all at once, Loki) portrays realtor Marvin Gable in the suburb of Mil / Amacaukee, where the signs "for sale"are blooming. Gable receives an envelope from former crime partner Rose (Oscar winner Ariana DeBose; stories from the West Side, Arg Animullle), which he left behind. And she is not happy.

Marvin finds himself once again in a world of ruthless killers, full of double culprits and houses that turn into deadly war zones. To face the decision of which you are pursuing, and with a history that is never truly buried, as he chases his brother Knuckles (Daniel Wu; Tomb Raider, Warcraft, which is a criminal mogul.

The Film is distinguished by its excellent sound basis, and to an impressive and diverse as managing the group, which also includes the former football player of the league, NFL, and the champions of the Super Bowla Marshawna Lyncha, with the nickname of "Beast Mode" (Bottoms, and 80 for the Brady), Mustafo Shakirja (Emancipation, Luke Cage), Lio Tipton (Crazy, Stupid, Love, Lucy), Rhysa Darbyja (Jumanji: The Next Level, Yes Man), Andréja Eriksena (Violent night of The Trip), and the Manuscript Astina (trilogy of the Lord of the rings, Perry Mason).

Oskarjevec Ke Huy Quan (Vse povsod naenkrat, Loki) upodobi nepremičninskega posrednika Marvina Gabla v predmestju Milwaukeeja, kjer cvetijo napisi „naprodaj“. Gable prejme kuverto od nekdanje partnerke v zločinu Rose (oskarjevka Ariana DeBose; Zgodbe z zahodne strani, Argylle), ki jo je pustil za seboj. In ona ni vesela.

Marvin se znova znajde v svetu neusmiljenih morilcev, polnim dvojnih krivd in hiš, ki se spremenijo v smrtonosna vojna območja. Soočiti se mora z odločitvami, ki ga preganjajo in z zgodovino, ki je ni nikoli zares pokopal, saj ga lovi njegov brat Knuckles (Daniel Wu; Tomb Raider, Warcraft), ki je kriminalni mogotec.

Film odlikuje odlična zvočna podlaga ter impresivna in raznolika igralska zasedba, ki vključuje nekdanjega nogometnega igralca lige NFL in prvaka Super Bowla Marshawna Lyncha z vzdevkom „Beast Mode“ (Bottoms, 80 for Brady), Mustafo Shakirja (Emancipation, Luke Cage), Lio Tipton (Crazy, Stupid, Love, Lucy), Rhysa Darbyja (Jumanji: The Next Level, Yes Man), Andréja Eriksena (Nasilna noč, The Trip) in Seana Astina (trilogija Gospodar prstanov, Perry Mason).

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Cineplexx Maribor
Ikona Center, Na Poljanah 18
059 73 37 40
Location: Cineplexx Maribor