Nutria events

Literary evening with The Poetry Society, Ludovika Kalan D'ans Literarni večer z Društvom POEM, Ludovika Kalan D'Ans


We cordially invite you to the presentation of the prose and poetry of the members of the Poetry Society (Pari opportunit / equal opportunities) in the publication Echoes and memories – Echi e ricordi with the participation of the president of the society Isabelle Flego and Marina Zhigon, who will present the poetic creation of the teacher Ludovika Kalan d'ans (1900 – 1983). Students of the Primary School Cyril Kosmac Piran and Dragica Kocjancic will participate.

Vljudno vabimo vas na predstavitev proze in poezije članic Društva POEM (Pari opportunità – enake možnosti) v publikaciji Odmevi in spomini – Echi e ricordi s sodelovanjem predsednice društva Isabelle Flego in Marine Žigon, ki bo predstavila pesniško ustvarjanje učiteljice Ludovike Kalan D'Ans (1900 - 1983). Sodelovali bodo učenci OŠ Cirila Kosmača Piran in Dragica Kocjančič.

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Mestna knjižnica Piran
Location: Župančičeva 4, 6330 Piran/Pirano