Urska TAVCAR, 041 439 846 or urrska@gmail.com.
The SDS mengesh municipal committee will organize several literary evenings in 2025. The guest of the first will be Dr. Bostjan Marko Turk, who is a distinguished professor of French literature at the University of Ljubljana and has lectured at many European universities in the past. He is the author of about 1,500 articles written in various languages and nine professional or scientific monographs. He will introduce us to his latest work, prisoners of freedom. After the end of the official part, there will be an opportunity to socialize with each other and socialize with the guests of the evening. Kindly invited to join us.
URŠKA TAVČAR, 041 439 846 ali urrska@gmail.com.
Občinski odbor SDS Mengeš bo v letu 2025 organiziral več literarnih večerov. Gost prvega bo dr. Boštjan Marko Turk, ki je ugleden profesor francoske književnosti na Univerzi v Ljubljani, v preteklosti pa je predaval na mnogih evropskih univerzah. Je avtor približno 1500 člankov napisanih v različnih jezikih, ter devetih strokovnih oziroma znanstvenih monografij. Pobližje nam bo predstavil svoje zadnje delo Jetniki svobode. Po končanem uradnem delu bo možnost medsebojnega druženja ter druženja z gostom večera. Lepo povabljeni, da se nam pridružite.