You are invited to the St. Nicholas show!
Join the magic event at the Lipica Stud Farm 7. in December 2024.
In addition to self-guided tours and carriage rides, they are waiting for you:
* Lipica riding school performance,
* visit of St. Nicholas ,
* fairy tale reading,
* dance animation and
* giving gifts to children .
A pony workshop is also prepared for the little ones , which will brighten up the festive day.
Programme :
* Self-guided tours of the estate
* Carriage rides *
10: 00 guided tour of the estate
11:00 – 12:00
* Performance of the Lipica riding school with a visit to St. Nicholas
* Fairy tale reading and dance animation with angels and hoof
* Gift of children
12: 00 guided tour of the estate
12: 30 Pony workshop
14: 00 guided tour of the estate
16: 00 stud farm closing
Adults - 19 /
Children (1-5 years) - 1 /
Children (6-18 years) - 9.5 /
Students - 14 /
Family ticket (2 adults, up to 3 children) - 44 /
Carriage ride 15 min-30 /
Vabljeni na Miklavževo predstavo!
Čarobnemu dogodku v Kobilarni Lipica se pridružite 7. decembra 2024.
Poleg samostojnih ogledov in voženj s kočijo vas čakajo:
· nastop Lipiške jahalne šole,
· obisk Miklavža ,
· pravljično branje,
· plesna animacija ter
· obdaritev otrok .
Za najmlajše je pripravljena tudi poni delavnica , ki bo popestrila praznični dan.
Program :
· Samostojni ogledi posestva
· Vožnje s kočijo *
10:00 Voden ogled posestva
11:00 – 12:00
· Nastop Lipiške jahalne šole z obiskom Miklavža
· Branje pravljice in plesna animacija z angeli in parkljem
· Obdaritev otrok
12:00 Voden ogled posestva
12:30 Poni delavnica
14:00 Voden ogled posestva
16:00 Zapiranje kobilarne
Odrasli – 19 €
Otroci (1-5 let) – 1 €
Otroci (6-18 let) – 9,5 €
Študentje – 14 €
Družinska vstopnica (2 odrasla, do 3 otroci) – 44 €
Vožnja s kočijo 15 min – 30 €