Nutria events

Lipizzaner St. Nicholas for hardworking children Lipiški Miklavž za pridne otroke

entertainment children

You are invited to the St. Nicholas show!

Join the magic event at the Lipica Stud Farm 7. in December 2024.

In addition to self-guided tours and carriage rides, they are waiting for you:

* Lipica riding school performance,

* visit of St. Nicholas ,

* fairy tale reading,

* dance animation and

* giving gifts to children .

A pony workshop is also prepared for the little ones , which will brighten up the festive day.

Programme :


* Self-guided tours of the estate

* Carriage rides *

10: 00 guided tour of the estate

11:00 – 12:00

* Performance of the Lipica riding school with a visit to St. Nicholas

* Fairy tale reading and dance animation with angels and hoof

* Gift of children

12: 00 guided tour of the estate

12: 30 Pony workshop

14: 00 guided tour of the estate

16: 00 stud farm closing

Adults - 19 /

Children (1-5 years) - 1 /

Children (6-18 years) - 9.5 /

Students - 14 /

Family ticket (2 adults, up to 3 children) - 44 /

Carriage ride 15 min-30 /

Vabljeni na Miklavževo predstavo!

Čarobnemu dogodku v Kobilarni Lipica se pridružite 7. decembra 2024.

Poleg samostojnih ogledov in voženj s kočijo vas čakajo:

· nastop Lipiške jahalne šole,

· obisk Miklavža ,

· pravljično branje,

· plesna animacija ter

· obdaritev otrok .

Za najmlajše je pripravljena tudi poni delavnica , ki bo popestrila praznični dan.

Program :


· Samostojni ogledi posestva

· Vožnje s kočijo *

10:00 Voden ogled posestva

11:00 – 12:00

· Nastop Lipiške jahalne šole z obiskom Miklavža

· Branje pravljice in plesna animacija z angeli in parkljem

· Obdaritev otrok

12:00 Voden ogled posestva

12:30 Poni delavnica

14:00 Voden ogled posestva

16:00 Zapiranje kobilarne

Odrasli – 19 €

Otroci (1-5 let) – 1 €

Otroci (6-18 let) – 9,5 €

Študentje – 14 €

Družinska vstopnica (2 odrasla, do 3 otroci) – 44 €

Vožnja s kočijo 15 min – 30 €

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kobilarna Lipica
05 739 1696
Location: Lipica 5, 6210 Sežana