Nutria events

ADSP annual production: The Lost Shoe and the only way up Letna produkcija ADSP: Izgubljeni čeveljček ter Edina pot, navzgor


In the dance presentation we will see a demonstration of the progress of young dancers.

The Lost Shoe: a classic story of human values, goodness and courage that invites a positive view of the whole world, time and one's own life.

The only way up is a comic miniature from the life highlights of today's schoolchildren. Hip hop on a rock and metal base.

Organizer: art dance studio Portoroz

V plesni predstavitvi bomo videli prikaz napredka mladih plesalcev.

Izgubljeni Čeveljček: Klasična zgodba o človeških vrednotah, dobroti in pogumu, ki vabi k pozitivnem pogledu na ves svet, čas in lastno življenje.

Edina pot, navzgor je komična miniatura iz življenjskih utrinkov današnjih šolarjev. Hip hop na rock in metal podlago.

Organizator: Art dance studio Portorož

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Senčna pot 8 A, 6320 Portorož
+386 (0)5 676 67 00
Location: Glavna dvorana, Avditorij Portorož