Birth! I don't remember him very well ...
Kindergarten! When you're happy, do it again!
VALETA! This is the end of this basic!
Prom! This is the end of this medium! Whoo!
Graduation! That, uh ... wait a minute, this is kind of familiar to me.
Work! Fuck, there's no one here"finally"! I'll work my ass to death!
Parenting! I'll go crazy one day. It's like having kids, al ' what? Fuck! We weren't like that, I swear! We were playing on the street all day, they just stuffed us in between!
ABRAHAM! When?! How?! Who is this wrinkled, gray image in the mirror?Retirement! Today is a good day, one limb even does not hurt me. I'm going to go slowly to the Brit.
Grandchildren! Heh, little clowns, if only they knew ...
Death! Well, it was cajte.
The show La La Lajf is the new show of the tandem Perica Jerkovi / <url> / Robert Petan, who not long ago excited us with the comedy goodbye corona, we are going on vacation . Through skits, song and stand-up comedy, this time on stage they experience everything that life brings. A kindergarten party, a youth binge in the park, a wedding celebration, a summer party on the beach, a new year's Union party or a seventh. Life is a party-you will only have a good time if you don't take it too seriously
Premiere: October 2024
ROJSTVO! Se ga ne spomnim najbolje ...
VRTEC! Ko si srečen, brž ponovi vse od prej!
VALETA! To, kooončno je konec te osnovne!
MATURANC! To, kooončno je konec te srednje! Juhuuu!
DIPLOMA! To, kooončno … Čaki malo, tole mi je nekam znano.
SLUŽBA! Fak, tu sploh ni noben'ga "končno"! Jaz bom garal do smrti!
STARŠEVSTVO! Meni se bo zmešalo en dan. Tako je imeti otroke, al' kaj? Fak! Mi nismo bili takšni, prisežem! Mi smo se cele dneve igrali na ulici, samo nafutrali so nas vmes!
ABRAHAM! Kdaj?! Kako?! Kdo je ta nagubana, osivela podoba v ogledalu?PENZIJA! Danes je dober dan, ena okončina me celo ne boli. Grem počasi kar parcele na britofu počekirat.
VNUKI! Heh, klovni mali, ko bi le vedeli ...
SMRT! No ja, cajt je že bil.
Predstava La La Lajf je novi šov tandema Perica Jerković & Robert Petan , ki sta nas nedolgo nazaj navduševala s komedijo Zbogom korona, mi gremo na dopust . Skozi skeče, songe in stand-up komedijo tokrat na odru dočarata vse kar življenje prinese. Vrtčevsko rajanje, mladostniško popivanje v parku, poročno slavje, poletna žurka na plaži, novoletna sindikalna zabava ali sedmina. Življenje je žur - fajn se boš imel le, če ga ne dojemaš preresno
Premiera: oktober 2024