Nutria events

Kviropisje Kviropisje


The New Year is here, and with it the new yearbook! We hope that Babki / heiress Mraz gave you a nice gift and that during the holidays you had time to write something wonderful.

Sign up for a literary event for reading (if you identify as a queer or with one of the acronyms LGBT/+) using the form: / Z1bl Animalcf52hf4hkvl9

Kviropisje are literary events where we are open to all literary genres of kvir or LGBT / / + expressions: poetry, prose, drama, translated kvir works, screenwriting, Performance, Musical texts (and musical performances!), essay writing, journal writing, and so on.

At each Kviropisja event, all newly published books of the SKUC publishing house are also available at a reduced price:

- Natasha Velikonja: contributions to the history of the LGBT movement in Slovenia 1984-2024

- Ingo autumn Vitman Animatri: son of his own hand

- Natalie Diaz: postcolonial love song

- Constance Debr / PLA / Bo / Veronika Razpotnik: I sting the Hornet back

- Pino Pograjc: tremble

- Animric Jourdan: the terrible Angel

- Peter andonovsky: a summer in which you are not

– Hélène de Monferrand: SUZANNIN LOG

See you and listen! Invited!


Head of the organizational team: Pino Pograjc .

Organizational team: Jana Zorko, Jernej Skop, Miha Satler, Miha Bizjak, Angela Steiner.

Photo By Taja Petric .

Design and collages: Angela Steiner .

Production: Zavod Network and SKUC Association

The event is part of the Project Youth and the future of the LGBT+ community, implemented under the Erasmus+ programme, co-financed by the European Union.

In addition to its own contribution, the programme of the Cultural Centre of the city of Ljubljana is supported by the Office for youth of the city of Ljubljana, the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for youth and JAK.

Novo leto je tu, z njim pa tudi novo Kviropisje! Upamo, da so vas Babki/Dedice Mraz lepo obdarovale_i in da ste med prazniki imele_i čas napisati kaj čudovitega.

Na literarni dogodek se za branje (če se identificirate kot kvir ali s katero izmed kratic LGBTQIA+) prijavite z obrazcem:

Kviropisje so literarni dogodki, kjer smo odprte_i za vse literarne zvrsti kvir oziroma LGBTQIA+ izraza: poezija, proza, dramatika, prevajana kvir dela, scenaristika, performans, glasbena besedila (in glasbeni nastopi!), esejistika, dnevništvo in tako dalje.

Na vsakem dogodku Kviropisja so na voljo tudi vse novoizdane knjige založbe ŠKUC po znižani ceni:


– Ingo Jesen Vitman Öri: SIN SVOJE ROKE


– Constance Debré: PLAY BOY – Veronika Razpotnik: SRŠENA PIČIM NAZAJ

– Pino Pograjc: TREPETE

– Éric Jourdan: STRAŠNA ANGELA

– Peter Andonovski: POLETJE, V KATEREM TE NI

– Hélène de Monferrand: SUZANNIN DNEVNIK

Se vidimo in se poslušamo! Vabljene_i!

Kviropisje pripravljajo:

Vodja organizacijske ekipe: Pino Pograjc .

Organizacijska ekipa: Jana Zorko, Jernej Škof, Miha Satler, Miha Bizjak, Angela Steiner.

Fotografija: Taja Petrič .

Oblikovanje in kolaži: Angela Steiner .

Produkcija: Zavod Omrežje in Društvo ŠKUC

Dogodek je del projekta Mladi in prihodnost LGBT+ skupnosti, ki se izvaja v okviru programa Erasmus+, sofinanciranega s strani Evropske unije.

Program Kulturnega centra Q poleg lastnega vložka podpirajo Urad za mladino Mestne občine Ljubljana, Urad Republike Slovenije za mladino in JAK.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kulturni center Q
Masarykova cesta 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: Klub Tiffany, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana