In the coming days, the cultural events in Novo Mesto will be especially varied, as many events will enrich the celebration of Preseren's day. Among them will be book presentations, exhibition openings, concerts and guided tours that will take visitors through the rich historical and cultural heritage of the city. You are invited to join.
Sunday, 2. February
15.00 I presentation of the book debris of ancient memory: from Carantania to independent Slovenia by Ivan Sivec.
Princess terrace, medium bump 15
Monday, 3. February
19.00 I Opening of Janko Orac's painting exhibitions: colorful visions.
Gallery Zavod Frederick I Baraba
Wednesday, 5. February
10.00 I Event "growing girl" on the occasion of the cultural holiday of events.
Multifunctional space DU Novo mesto
Thursday, 6. February
18.00 I Exhibition Opening Robert Lozar: short.
Cube Gallery
Thursday, 6. February
18.00 I presentation of the monograph to the architect brothers Milos, Daniilo and Marijan Lapajne.
Miran Jarca Library Novo mesto
Friday, 7. February
19.00 I traditional concert of Novgorod symphonies on the eve of the cultural holiday
Marof Sports Hall
Saturday, 8. February
Dolenjska Museum Novo mesto, Jakec's home Novo mesto
9.00-19.00 I free tour of permanent and temporary exhibitions in the museum and Jakac House, Public guided tours of the IMV museum collection in Drgancevje and Exhibitions The Archaeological image of Dolenjska and Peter and Borut Simic: dialogue of generations, the exhibition of products of kindergarten children will also be invited to visit.
16.30 I guided tour of Morda's Chapel, Grm
18.00 I concert of the vocal group Musica amakuin amakuue vocum in Jakac's home.
19.00 I conversation and concert We Sing and talk about the culture, at which Anusha Gashic will talk with the singers Irina Animaktivebuah Tiran and Klemen Torkar, as well as with the composer and director of the Novo mesto Institute Ales Makovac. In parallel, the recently opened exhibition by Robert Lozar entitled In Short will be available for viewing.
KC Janez Trdina
15.00 I guided tour of Novo Mesto-walk in the footsteps of the poet Dragotin Kette
Tic Novo mesto
The tours will be guided by: architect Borut Simic, curator of the Dolenjska Museum Katarina Dajcman, pastor Daniel Brkic and tourist guide Marjanca Trscinar anti/. The guided tour is free. Applications are accepted at: or 041 202 080.
V prihodnjih dneh bo kulturno dogajanje v Novem mestu še posebej pestro, saj bodo številni dogodki obogatili praznovanje Prešernovega dne. Med njimi bodo predstavitve knjig, odprtje razstav, koncerti in vodenja, ki bodo obiskovalce popeljala skozi bogato zgodovinsko in kulturno dediščino mesta. Vabljeni, da se pridružite.
nedelja, 2. februar
15.00 I Predstavitev knjige Naplavina davnega spomina: od Karantanije do samostojne Slovenije avtorja Ivana Sivca.
Princesina terasa, Srednje Grčevje 15
ponedeljek, 3. februar
19.00 I Odprtje slikarskih razstav Janka Orača: Barvita videnja.
Galerija Zavod Friderik I. Baraba
sreda, 5. februar
10.00 I Prireditev »Rastoča deklica« ob kulturnem prazniku prireditev.
Večnamenski prostor DU Novo mesto
četrtek, 6. februar
18.00 I Odprtje razstave Robert Lozar: Skratka.
Galerija Kocka
četrtek, 6. februar
18.00 I Predstavitev monografije Arhitektki bratje Miloš, Daniilo in Marijan Lapajne.
Knjižnica Mirana Jarca Novo mesto
petek, 7. februar
19.00 I Tradicionalni koncert novomeških simfonikov na predvečer kulturnega praznika
Športna dvorana Marof
sobota, 8. februar
Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto, Jakčev dom Novo mesto
9.00-19.00 I Brezplačen ogled stalnih in občasnih razstav v muzej in Jakčev dom, javna vodstva po muzejski zbirki IMV v Drgančevju in razstavah Arheološka podoba Dolenjske ter Peter in Borut Simič: Dialog generacij, na ogled bo vabila tudi razstava izdelkov vrtčevskih otrok.
16.30 I Voden ogled Mordaxtove kapelice, Grm
18.00 I Koncert vokalne skupine Musica quinque vocum v Jakčevem domu.
19.00 I Pogovor in koncert Pojemo in govorimo o kulturi, na katerem se bosta s pevci Irino Yebuah Tiran in Klemenom Torkarjem ter s skladateljem in direktorjem Zavoda Novo mesto Alešem Makovcem pogovarjala Anušа Gašič. Vzporedno bo za ogled na voljo nedavno odprta razstava Roberta Lozarja z naslovom Skratka.
KC Janeza Trdine
15.00 I Voden ogled Novega mesta - sprehod po sledeh pesnika Dragotina Ketteja
TIC Novo mesto
Oglede bodo vodili: arhitekt Borut Simič, kustosinja Dolenjskega muzeja Katarina Dajčman, pastor Daniel Brkič in turistična vodnica Marjanca Trščinar Antić. Voden ogled je brezplačen. Prijave sprejemajo na: ali 041 202 080.