Nutria events

Culture knows no boundaries Kultura ne pozna meja

music culture

Ceremony Program

on the occasion of the cultural holiday, KD Hrvatini, Kd Istrski grmic Diocese, Society

Slovenes of the Milje municipality Kiljan Ferluga, Primary School dr. Ales Bebler-Primoz Hrvatini, Music School

Koper, Marjetka Popovska, duo earthquake and Metka Cotic / org. KD Hrvatini, JSKD

Program slovesnosti

ob kulturnem prazniku bodo sooblikovali KD Hrvatini, KD Istrski grmič Škofije, Društvo

Slovencev miljske občine Kiljan Ferluga, OŠ dr. Aleš Bebler – Primož Hrvatini, Glasbena šola

Koper, Marjetka Popovska, Duo Zemljotres in Metka Cotič / org.: KD Hrvatini, JSKD

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kulturno društvo Hrvatini
Hrvatini 148 , 6280 Ankaran
05 652 81 05
Location: Koper