Nutria events

Context 004-Snjezana Premus KONTEKST 004 – Snježana Premuš


Choreographer and dancer Snjezana Premus has been working professionally in Slovenia since 2001. Its creation is closely related to discursive approaches and theoretical view. She continuously invites writers, playwrights and other outside observers to reflect on her practice. Her precise and detailed articulation of her own interests, motives and methodologies prompted us to formulate this context as a dialogue between the stated impulses and/or methodological procedures and shorter excerpts from her representations, thus opening up their connection.

The choreographer's work for more than twenty years forms an extensive body of work, which she herself divides into various formal or informal sections. The context focuses on three: Amplified bod illustrations, Body Stories, and physical manifestations.

Authors Of Context 004: Masha Rada Buh, And / Or / / / / / / / / / / /

Producer: Spela Kopitar

The context is the support program of the Bunker Institute in development, which tries to emphasize the importance of the space of the Old City Power Plant and map the archives of the creators who cross this space. It is about dealing with creators with a wide-angle lens: finding and highlighting the connections between time, biography and previous work of the creator, which results in a kind of extracted installation and tries to better root the author and offer cues for reading the new work in the context of time and past opus. The main objectives of the context are to understand and explore the author's work as a continuous artistic practice and thus to establish an understanding of works of art within a longer path, which is not just a series of unrelated points (performances).

Koreografinja in plesalka Snježana Premuš v slovenskem prostoru aktivno profesionalno deluje že od leta 2001. Njeno ustvarjanje je tesno povezano z diskurzivnimi pristopi in teoretskim pogledom. K reflektiranju svoje prakse kontinuirano vabi piske in pisce, dramaturginje in dramaturge ter druge zunanje opazovalce. Njena natančna in podrobna artikulacija lastnih interesov, motivov in metodologij nas je spodbudila, da smo tokratni Kontekst oblikovali kot dialog med ubesedenimi vzgibi in/ali metodološkimi postopki ter krajšimi izseki iz njenih predstav, s čimer se pred nami razpre njihova povezava.

Koreografinjino več kot dvajsetletno delovanje tvori obširen opus, ki ga sama deli na različne formalne ali neformalne sklope. Kontekst se osredotoča na tri: Amplified Body, Zgodbe o telesu in Fizične manifestacije.

Avtorici Konteksta 004: Maša Radi Buh, Tery Žeželj

Producentka: Špela Kopitar

KONTEKST je podporni program Zavoda Bunker v razvoju, ki poskuša poudariti pomembnost prostora Stare mestne elektrarne in mapirati arhive ustvarjalk_cev, ki ta prostor prečijo. Gre za obravnavo ustvarjalk_cev s širokokotnim objektivom: iskanje in poudarjanje povezav med časom, biografijo in dosedanjim delom ustvarjalke_ca, ki ima za posledico nekakšno ekstrahirano instalacijo in poskuša avtorja_ico bolje ukoreniniti in ponuditi iztočnice za branje novega dela v kontekstu časa in preteklega opusa. Glavna cilja Konteksta sta razumevanje in raziskovanje avtorjevega_ičinega dela kot kontinuirane umetniške prakse ter s tem vzpostavljanje razumevanja umetniških del znotraj daljše poti, ki ni le serija nepovezanih točk (predstav).

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Slomškova 18, 1000 Ljubljana
00 386 51 269 906
Location: Stara mestna elektrarna, Ljubljana