Nutria events

Beletinka concert Koncert skupine BeleTinke


On Saturday, 22. in February 2025, at 18 a concert of the BeleTinke group will take place in the monastery church at Strossma 67 in Maribor.

The vocal group Beletinka started working in autumn 2013 under the leadership of Tyasha Shimonka Kavash. They are a section of the Beltinci Cultural Art Society. Beletinka consists of thirteen young, smiling, talented and creative girls from all over Prekmurje.

They join together with quality singing in order to delight all their listeners with the song. Throughout the year, Beletinka organize several solo concerts around Pomurje, sing at weddings and casual celebrations, have already presented themselves at several international competitions, and are happy to tour with singing friends around Slovenia.

Piano accompaniment: Rene Zorman.

Guest: flutist Katja Ferenc.

Contributions for the concert will be voluntary and will be donated to the co-financed programs of the mir Family Center.

V soboto, 22. februarja 2025, bo ob 18h v samostanski cerkvi na Strossmayerjevi 17 v Mariboru koncert skupine BeleTinke.

Vokalna skupina BeleTinke je začela delovati jeseni 2013 pod vodstvom Tjaše Šimonka Kavaš. So sekcija kulturno umetniškega društva Beltinci. BeleTinke sestavlja trinajst mladih, nasmejanih, talentiranih in kreativnih deklet iz celotnega Prekmurja.

Družijo se ob kvalitetnem prepevanju v želji, da bi s pesmijo razveseljevale vse svoje slušatelje. Čez leto BeleTinke organizirajo več samostojnih koncertov po Pomurju, pojejo na porokah in priložnostnih slavjih, predstavile so se že na več mednarodnih tekmovanjih, z veseljem pa gostujejo pri pevskih prijateljih po Sloveniji.

Spremljava na klavirju: Rene Zorman.

Gostja: flavtistka Katja Ferenc.

Prispevki za koncert bodo prostovoljni in namenjeni sofinanciranim programom Družinskega centra mir.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Družinski center mir
Location: Strossmayerjeva 17, Maribor (vhod z dvorišča), Maribor, Maribor