Nutria events

Concert on the 25th anniversary of the Brass Band Koncert ob 25-letnici Pihalne godbe


The Brass Band of the municipality of Dornava invites you to a concert on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its activity.

Invited on Saturday, 30. in November 2024, at 19. hours to the Village-Cultural Hall of the multifunctional center Dornava.

Pihalna godba Občine Dornava vabi na koncert ob 25-letnici svojega delovanja.

Vabljeni v soboto, 30. novembra 2024, ob 19. uri v vaško-kulturno dvorano Večnamenskega centra Dornava.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Pihalna godba Občine Dornava
Location: Dornava 135 b, 2252 Dornava