listening room cycle
Nejc Grm, accordion with electronics
P. Oliveiros A Woman Sees How the World Goes with No Eyes
U. Rojko: new work
P. Oliveros: Reason and Madness
P. Clift: 'presence, absence, degree' for accordion and electronics
P. Oliveros: Lear On The Road
Notice of photographing and recording the event
The organizer of the Academy of music UL will capture several screenshots (photos) and videos at the events in order to promote or report on the event. Photography and filming will take place in accordance with the applicable national data protection act ( ZVOP-2 ) and EU regulation 2016/679 . Photos and video of the event will be posted on the web site, social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and X), in publications, and promotional, and other informative materials of the Academy of music in REGULATION.
The photos will refer to the event in general and not to individual participants. The holder of the material copyright of the event is the Academy of music UL, therefore any copying, including recording and storage in electronic form, dissemination, online publication and other use other than permitted private use is not allowed without prior permission of the Academy of music UL.
For further information, please contact the data protection officer at the Academy of music UL: Manja Belina ( manja.belina@ag.uni-lj.si ).
Nejc Grm, harmonika z elektroniko
P. Oliveiros : A Woman Sees How the World Goes with No Eyes
U. Rojko : novo delo
P. Oliveros : Reason in Madness
P. Clift : 'presence, absence, degree' za harmoniko in elektroniko
P. Oliveros : Lear On The Road
Obvestilo o fotografiranju in snemanju dogodka
Organizatorka Akademija za glasbo UL bo na dogodkih zajela več zaslonskih slik (fotografij) in videoposnetkov z namenom promocije dogodka oz. poročanja o njem. Fotografiranje in snemanje bosta potekala skladno z veljavnim nacionalnim Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov ( ZVOP-2 ) in Uredbo EU 2016/679 . Fotografije in videoposnetki dogodka bodo objavljeni na spletni strani, družbenih omrežjih (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, X), v publikacijah ter na promocijskem in drugem informativnem gradivu Akademije za glasbo UL.
Fotografije se bodo nanašale na dogodek na splošno in ne na posamezne udeležence. Imetnik materialnih avtorskih pravic dogodka je Akademija za glasbo UL, zato kakršno koli kopiranje, vključno s snemanjem in shranjevanjem v elektronski obliki, razširjanje, spletno objavljanje in druga uporaba razen dovoljene zasebne rabe ni dovoljena brez predhodnega dovoljenja Akademije za glasbo UL.
Za dodatne informacije se obrnite na pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo osebnih podatkov na Akademiji za glasbo UL: Manja Belina ( manja.belina@ag.uni-lj.si ).