This school year, the young pianists of the Bistrica music school will present themselves at the Fortepiano evening a little differently than usual: this time they will not be alone on stage, but will perform in the company of their classmates. More than 50 piano students will present themselves with compositions and compositions from all over the world.
Listen to us in the Great Hall at home in Udine on Tuesday, 11. February at 18. uri.
V letošnjem šolskem letu se bodo mlade pianistke in pianisti bistriške glasbene šole na večeru Fortepiano predstavili nekoliko drugače kot običajno: tokrat na odru ne bodo sami, ampak bodo nastopili v družbi svojih sošolk in sošolcev. Več kot 50 učenk in učencev klavirja se bo predstavilo s skladbicami in skladbami z vsega sveta.
Prisluhnite nam v Veliki dvorani Doma na Vidmu v torek, 11. februarja ob 18. uri.