Featured: Big Band Krsko, Nina Strnad
"...and it was as if the sun was shining."This is how Mojmir Sepe described the moment when Nina Strnad, one of the most sovereign singers of serious music in our country, climbed onto the stage as part of a concert of the European Jazz Orchestra. She is a constant guest at festivals, concert cycles and events that revive the golden years of Slovenian pop. Due to its clean and clear articulation and sensual interpretations, Nina Strnad's work is recognized by both the general and professional public, as evidenced by numerous awards and awards.
Big Band KK first performed in 1978 as the Big Band of the Krsko Wind Orchestra. Practically and formally, it was founded in the nineties, when ales Susha took over the conducting and leadership of the group.
By playing various genres of music, from S Alting and Latin to jazz fusion / jazz-rock fusion, the band has become one of the most prominent big bands in the area, and many successful instrumentalists have sprung from under its wing. Today, the orchestra consists of half of professional musicians and music students, and half of amateur musicians.
Nastopajoči: Big Band Krško, Nina Strnad
»… in je bilo, kot bi posijalo sonce.« Tako je Mojmir Sepe opisal trenutek, ko se je na oder v okviru koncerta Evropskega jazzovskega orkestra povzpela Nina Strnad, ena najbolj suverenih pevk resne glasbe pri nas. Je stalna gostja festivalov, koncertnih ciklusov in prireditev, ki oživljajo zlata leta slovenske popevke. Zaradi čiste in jasne artikulacije ter čutnih interpretacij je delo Nine Strnad prepoznano tako od splošne kot strokovne javnosti, o čemer pričajo številna priznanja in nagrade.
Big Band KK je prvič nastopil leta 1978 kot Big Band Pihalnega orkestra Krško. Praktično in formalno pa je ustanovljen v devetdesetih letih, ko je dirigiranje in vodstvo skupine prevzel Aleš Suša.
Z igranjem različnih zvrsti glasbe, od swinga in latina do jazzovskega zlitja/jazz-rock fusion, je band postal eden vidnejših big bandov v okolici, številni uspešni instrumentalisti pa so vzniknili izpod njegovega okrilja. Danes orkester sestavlja polovica profesionalnih glasbenikov in študentov glasbe ter polovica ljubiteljev.