Nutria events



You are invited to watch the repeatedly sold-out comedy Home SMURFANTEL , which will be staged on Sunday, 26. 1. 2025 at 17.00 at the LAZE Hall in TUHINJE .

Author: Nina Mav Hrovat, adapted and directed by Dejan Pevcevi /

Pre-sale of tickets on 031 561 791 or 30 minutes before the show at the Laze Hall in Tuhin, Laze in Tuhin 4A.

Brief description of the show:

Home smurfantelj is a humorous story that tells about an ordinary family from under the Kamnik-Savinja Alps. In the foreground are family relationships of three generations, complicated by exciting desires, which, however, are socially unacceptable, but therefore no less everyday... In addition to these two levels, there is the personal development of the individual, which grows and changes through specific experiences. In these situations, each of us can easily recognize ourselves. These are universal human desires and actions. In short, the story takes place on several levels at the same time, exposing the usual taboos in a witty way. In any case, I believe that this is a noble comedy that shies away from the situational comedy and follows the character wit of the characters.

Vabljeni na ogled VEČKRAT RAZPRODANE komedije DOMAČI ŠTRUMPANTELJ , ki bo uprizorjena v NEDELJO, 26. 1. 2025 ob 17.00 v DVORANI LAZE V TUHINJU .

Avtorica: Nina Mav Hrovat, Priredba in režija: Dejan Pevčević

Predprodaja kart na 031 561 791 ali 30 minut pred predstavo v Dvorani Laze v Tuhinu, Laze v Tuhinju 4a.

Kratek opis predstave:

Domači štrumpantelj je humorna zgodba, ki govori o običajni družini izpod Kamniško-Savinjskih Alp. V ospredju so družinska razmerja treh generacij, ki jih zapletajo vznemirljive želje, ki pa so družbeno nesprejemljive, a zato nič manj vsakdanje... Poleg teh dveh ravni je tu še osebnostni razvoj posameznika, ki skozi posebne izkušnje raste in se spreminja. V teh situacijah se lahko zlahka prepozna vsak od nas. Gre za univerzalna človeška hotenja in ravnanja. Skratka, zgodba poteka na več ravneh hkrati in na duhovit način odstira običajne tabuje. Vsekakor verjamem, da gre za žlahtno komedijo, ki se ogne situacijski komiki in sledi značajski duhovitosti likov.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Športno kulturno društvo Mekinje
Cankarjeva cesta 37, 1241 Kamnk
Location: Laze 4A, 1219 Laze v Tuhinju