About the show:
An everyday, almost banal situation, when classmates, an eleven-year-old, are fighting in the park, one of whom took away the whole skin, and the other has both incisors broken off and a damaged tooth nerve, leads to a meeting of parents who met to talk about the incident and its consequences in peace, over coffee and cakes, soberly, tolerably and as befits cosmopolitan people. They consider how to pedagogically influence the child-offender and the child-victim. Which, however, turns out to be not so simple.
One of the brightest stars of modern French and European drama, in the God of massacre (2006), she blurs the lines between civility and barbarism. But the point of this conversational drama, written according to all the rules of the art of comedy, is not the realization of slipping into primitivism, but that there are no more protective mechanisms. Nothing is valid anymore and nothing functions: no gender solidarity, no belonging to a spouse, no cultivation and politically correct treatment, no social engagement.
O predstavi:
Vsakdanja, skorajda banalna situacija, ko se v parku stepeta sošolca, enajstletnika, od katerih je eden odnesel celo kožo, drugi pa ima odlomljena oba sekalca in poškodovan zobni živec, privede do srečanja staršev, ki so se sešli, da bi se v miru, ob kavi in pecivu, trezno, strpno in kakor se za svetovljanske ljudi spodobi, pogovorili o pripetljaju in njegovih posledicah. Preudarjajo, kako bi se dalo pedagoško vplivati na otroka - storilca in otroka - žrtev. Kar pa se izkaže, da ni tako preprosto.
Yasmina Reza, ena najsvetlejših zvezd sodobne francoske in evropske dramatike, nam v igri Bog masakra (2006) z diaboličnim humorjem in zlobno retoriko zabrisuje meje med civiliziranostjo in barbarstvom. A poanta te konverzacijske drame, napisane po vseh pravilih umetnosti komedije, ni spoznanje o zdrsu v primitivizem, temveč o tem, da ni več varovalnih mehanizmov. Nič več ne velja in nič ne funkcionira: ne solidarnost med spoloma, ne pripadnost zakonskemu partnerju, ne kultiviranost in politično korektno ravnanje, ne družbeni angažma.