Nutria events

Chat over coffee and tea Klepet ob kavi in čaju


On Friday, 6. in December, between 8.00 and 9.30 you are invited to the premises of VeGeC Rogoza for socializing, chatting and coffee!

In the premises of the center we will also prepare corners for self-production of greeting cards or book index.

You can be creative, you can tell us what content you want at U, or you can just enjoy a cup of hot drink.

V petek, 6. decembra, med 8.00 in 9.30 vabljeni v prostore VeGeC Rogoza na druženje, klepet in kavico !

V prostorih centra bomo pripravili tudi kotičke za samostojno izdelavo voščilnic ali knjižnega kazala.

Lahko ste ustvarjalni, lahko nam poveste, katerih vsebin si želite pri na ali pa preprosto uživate v skodelici toplega napitka.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Večgeneracijski center Občine Hoče-Slivnica
Location: Rogoška cesta 60, 2204 Miklavž na Dravskem polju