Join us for a special screening of Dog Man, where, in addition to an epic adventure on the big screen, real fun for children awaits you!
Half dog, Half Man, Fully hero!
The dog man is ready for action – are you too? Come and enjoy this fun animated adventure brought by Dream Animatorks.
Events in the lobby before the film:
Animations for children
Coloring Pages and Creative Corner
Board games with dog husband and friends
Do not miss the cinema for the whole family. The Film will be on display in Maribo / 13. in February, a special family screening with animation for children is waiting for you 15. February!
Get your tickets on time and come for the most fun movie experience of the year!
Pridružite se nam na posebni projekciji filma Pasji mož , kjer vas poleg epske pustolovščine na velikem platnu čaka tudi prava zabava za otroke!
Napol pes, napol mož, v celoti junak!
Pasji mož je pripravljen na akcijo – ste tudi vi? Pridite in uživajte v tej zabavni animirani pustolovščini, ki jo prinaša DreamWorks.
Dogajanje v avli pred filmom:
Animacije za otroke
Pobarvanke in ustvarjalni kotiček
Družabne igre s Pasjim možem in prijatelji
Ne zamudite kina za vso družino. Film bo na ogled v Mariboxu že od 13. februarja, posebna družinska projekcija z animacijo za otroke, pa vas čaka 15. februarja!
Zagotovite si vstopnice pravočasno in pridite na najbolj zabavno filmsko doživetje tega leta!