Nutria events

Home movies: it was such a beautiful day Kino domači: Pa tako lep dan je bil

You are invited to the screening of the film, and it was such a beautiful day! (drama, thriller)

Perica Rai / Slovenia / 2024 / 90 min / English us

Four childhood best friends spend a few days each summer in the hills, in a remote place in Slovenia. Their friendship was marked years ago by an event at a party that alienated them from each other. This time they want to face the past and renew their bonds.

The shooting of the film took an incredible 10 years.


Sale of tickets at the scene.

Reservations and questions: .

The project is co-financed and facilitated by the intergenerational Centre Vezenine Bled and the people's University of Radovljica.

Vabljeni na projekcijo filma Pa tako lep dan je bil! (drama, triler)

Perica Rai / Slovenija / 2024 / 90 min / slovenščina

Štiri najboljše prijateljice iz otroštva vsako poletje preživijo nekaj dni v hribih, v oddaljenem kraju v Sloveniji. Njihovo prijateljstvo je pred leti zaznamoval dogodek na zabavi, ki jih je med seboj odtujil. Tokrat se želijo soočiti s preteklostjo in obnoviti svoje vezi.

Snemanje filma je trajalo neverjetnih 10 let.


Prodaja kart na kraju dogodka.

Rezervacije in vprašanja: .

Projekt sofinancirata in omogočata Medgeneracijski center Vezenine Bled in Ljudska univerza v Radovljici.

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod Aspekt
Location: Medgeneracijski center Vezenine Bled, 4260 Bled