Nutria events

What you want, you get it Kar želiš, to dobiš

theatre theater

World bestsellers by Canadian author Norm Foster with the original title The Love List . Directed by the Noble director of days of comedy 2023, Ajda Valcl , the great Tadej Tosh, Klemen Slakonja and Lea Cok impress .

Martin, who has been single for some time, receives an unusual gift from his best friend for his fiftieth birthday – with the help of a matchmaker, he plans to find him an ideal partner. To do this, men need to make a list of the ten most important qualities that the Chosen One should possess. When, to their surprise, "the perfect woman" does appear, they quickly realize that the list would need some corrections, which leads to a good hour and a half of Supreme humor, as well as reflection on perfection and our expectations that we cultivate for our partners.

Duration: 110 min

Premiere: 10. november 2023

Svetovna uspešnice kanadskega avtorja Norma Fosterja z izvirnim naslovom The Love List . V režiji Žlahtne režiserke Dnevov komedije 2023, Ajde Valcl , navdušujejo odlični Tadej Toš, Klemen Slakonja in Lea Cok .

Martin, ki je že nekaj časa samski, od svojega najboljšega prijatelja za petdeseti rojstni dan prejme nenavadno darilo – s pomočjo ženitne posrednice, mu namerava poiskati idealno partnerko. V ta namen morata moška sestaviti seznam desetih najpomembnejših lastnosti, ki naj bi jih izbranka imela. Ko se na njuno presenečenje "popolna ženska" res pojavi, hitro ugotovita, da bi seznam potreboval nekaj popravkov, kar vodi v dobro uro in pol vrhunskega humorja, pa tudi v razmislek o popolnosti in naših pričakovanjih, ki jih gojimo do svojih partnerjev.

Trajanje: 110 min

Premiera: 10. november 2023

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
20,7-23 €€
Kreker, kreativno umetniška družba, d.o.o.
Križna ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana
Ana Kajzer in Uroš Fürst
070 940 920
Location: SiTi Teater BTC