Nutria events

Kamnik: Tina Gorenjak and Tanja Kocman: cheers Kamnik: Tina Gorenjak in Tanja Kocman: Na zdravje


Comedy on health is not a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, although some story will be similar to this very situation. It is not a visit to a psychologist, although in the end you will feel that the two protagonists really need it. And it's not a visit to the gym, although training your laughing muscles is guaranteed. The performance will touch you, make you laugh, remind you of what really counts in life and, above all, convince you that you are not alone in your problems. Not even when you want to be.

Komedija Na zdravje ni sestanek anonimnih alkoholikov, čeprav bo kakšna zgodba podobna prav tej situaciji. Ni obisk psihologa, čeprav boste na koncu menili, da ga protagonistki resnično potrebujeta. In ni obisk fitnesa, čeprav je trening vaših smejalnih mišic zagotovljen. Predstava se vas bo dotaknila, vas nasmejala, vas opomnila, kaj v življenju zares šteje in vas predvsem prepričala, da v svojih težavah niste sami. Tudi takrat ne, ko bi radi bili.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Velika dvorana Doma kulture Kamnik, Fužine 10, 1241 Kamnik