Nutria events

Kamnik: birth, death and Legend Kamnik: Rojstvo, smrt in legenda

culture exhibition

The focus of the magnificent exhibition The Birth, Death and Legend of Kamnik painter Dusan sterlet will be the legendary Nativity scenes created by the author especially for the monastery in Mekinje, accompanied by the way of the Cross and a brand new exhibition from the author's opus entitled The Legend of Kamnik .

V fokusu veličastne razstave Rojstvo, smrt in Legenda kamniškega likovnika Dušana Sterleta bodo legendarne Jaslice, ki jih je avtor ustvaril posebej za samostan v Mekinjah , spremljal pa jih bo Križev pot in čisto nova razstava iz avtorjevega opusa z naslovom Legenda Kamnika .

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Samostan Mekinje, Polčeva pot 10, Ljubljana