Nutria events

Kamnik: Nutcracker by candlelight Kamnik: Hrestač ob soju sveč


Experience a wonderful musical and ballet fairy tale based on the motives of the ballet The Nutcracker by P. I. Tchaikovsky in a special atmosphere by the light of 250 candles.

The performance will last 45 minutes and is also suitable for families with children from 5 years old.

Entrance fee: 15 times (pre-sale), 20 times (on the day of the event).

Doživite čudovito glasbeno-baletno pravljico po motivih baleta Hrestač P. I. Čajkovskega v posebni atmosferi ob soju 250 sveč.

Predstava bo trajala 45 minut in je primerna tudi za družine z otroki od 5 leta dalje.

Vstopnina : 15 € (predprodaja), 20 € (na dan dogodka).

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Samostan Mekinje, Polčeva pot 10