In the Horjul shelter, they open their doors to animals in need of care, care, protection and a warm home. Janitor Jurij Juhant will talk about the connection between humans and animals, the positive impact of coexistence and the touching stories they experience on a daily basis. At the same time, you will learn about their valuable experience and advice that can inspire you too.
V zavetišču Horjul svoja vrata odpirajo živalim, ki potrebujejo oskrbo, nego, zaščito in topel dom. Oskrbnik Jurij Juhant bo spregovoril o povezanosti med ljudmi in živalmi, pozitivnem vplivu sobivanja ter o ganljivih zgodbah, ki jih vsakodnevno doživljajo. Obenem boste spoznali njihove dragocene izkušnje in nasvete, ki lahko navdihnejo tudi vas.