On the occasion of the cultural holiday, the storyteller and Mr. Muzika invite children to a musical performance of how the witch drove away the Dragon Hunters. It features a brave witch, an old trickster, and poachers who want to steal dragon eggs. The witch sets tricks on them to protect the Little Dragons, and the children help her in this. A tense show full of magical songs, potions and magical animals.
The theater performance is performed by Alja Bulic and Peter Lebar from the children's theater magic Blues .
Zgodbarka in gospod Muzika ob kulturnem prazniku otroke vabita na glasbeno predstavo Kako je čarovnica pregnala lovce na zmaje. V njej nastopa pogumna čarovnica, stara Ukanarka, in divji lovci, ki želijo ukrasti zmajeva jajca. Čarovnica jim nastavlja ukane, da bi zaščitila male zmajčke, otroci pa ji pri tem pomagajo. Napeta predstava, polna čarobnih pesmi, napojev in magičnih živali.
Gledališki nastop izvajata Alja Bulič in Peter Lebar iz otroškega gledališča Čarovniški Blues .