Nutria events

What will happen in the youth House in December? Kaj bo decembra dogajalo v Hiši mladih?

Happy december is here, you are invited to spend it in our company too!


The arrival of St. Nicholas and the festive puppet show how the Fox got the golden tail (SiTi Teater).

How the Fox got the golden tail is a mischievous performance that makes children laugh, but at the same time confronts them with the theme of otherness. To a Fox who loses his tail on his birthday, the world turns upside down. Not only does the fox face physical pain, the Fox becomes dreary and bitter. He rejects friends, worse, hates himself and everyone around him. She sees herself as a victim, because of the tail she is different and inferior. In the forest, she meets a city fairy who rescues her from a trap, and the Fairy helps her realize that everything is not as bad as it seems to the Fox.

Together with the Fox, We will also summon the first of December's Good Men St. Nicholas.

You are invited to the Chamber of the first Slovenian government on Thursday, 5. 12. at 17. uri.

Admission is free.

The puppet play is suitable for children 3+. We kindly ask all visitors to be accompanied by one adult to allow the most children to see the show.


Cinema Ajdovscina invites children (6+) to watch the Family animated film Superchristmas .

After so many years of delighting children around the World, Santa Claus craves new adventures and seems unable to gather his legendary motivation, drive and energy to fulfill his mission. He dreams of being more like his idol, the movie superhero "Super-Christmas", who also fights villains while delivering toys to children everywhere. However, after an accident four days before Christmas causes Santa Claus to lose his memory, he begins to believe that he is indeed super-Santa and sets off in search of the film villain grumpus, his greatest enemy. Santa Claus, pursued by his lovely dwarf Leo and desperate to find him, instead runs into an 11-year-old girl named Billie, who realizes that she may now be the only hope to save Christmas.

Buying tickets is possible at or in the Hall an hour before the event.


The arrival of Santa Claus and a magic show with the magician Jole Cole.

At the end of December, we will be eagerly awaiting the last of the December men, Santa Claus! To make it easier for us to wait for him, before his arrival, the magician Jole Cole will entertain us with his magic tricks with a festive show festive magic. Jole Cole promised us that this would be the best holiday show, if only the children would come and work with him. He also says that the show will be full of laughter, magic tricks and incredible antics. He's going to get Santa Claus out of his magic suitcase! Will he succeed? It's best to check it out for yourself by visiting the first Slovenian Government Hall, 30. 12., at 17. uri.

Admission is free.

We kindly ask all visitors to be accompanied by one adult to allow the most children to see the show.


When we reach the theta state of the brain while still awake (otherwise only at night), we come into contact with our subconscious and go beyond our analytical mind . This is crucial, because in the subconscious are all our bad habits and behaviors that we want to change.

Theta meditation opens our eyes to where in life we have forgotten ourselves, and invites us to begin to live ourselves to the fullest.

What else do we gain?

Who is theta meditation for?

In the course, we also learn about self-hypnosis to change behavior patterns that do not serve us.

The course is led by Urska Petrovcic, NLP Practitioner, NLP Master and former marketer. He says: "meditation has brought me so many positive changes and has also taken away what has no longer served me to decide to share this invaluable knowledge with others!

More info and login:

The same text as above. More info and login:

Wednesday, 18. December at 18. hours, you are invited to an emotional fitness lesson – inner strength building training, a real energy mix consisting of:

- lectures where we raise awareness on how to better relationships,

- exercises for the flowing body and

- gatherings with the potion of eternal youth.

This time, the presenter Nevenka thirsty will talk about the mastery of setting boundaries.

Details and registration at

Thursday, 19. 12., you are invited to a sound bath at the MC House of youth in Ajdovska, which will be performed by Gal Furlan.

Starts at 19. uri, so please arrive at least 10 minutes early to get in time. The sound bath will take about 60 Minutes.

You can read more at this link:

Due to space constraints, reservations at or on 031 494 852 are mandatory.

Admission is free!

Bring a lounger mat, sleeping bag or blanket, and a bottle of water.

Warning: Do not come to the sound bath intoxicated and/or under the influence of psychoactive substances. A group sound bath is not recommended for people with severe heart disease, epilepsy and severe psychological problems, an individual sound bath is more suitable for this.

Thursday, 12. 12., 18.00, Gallery of the House of youth: opening of the exhibition suddenly-Out of the BLUE

The exhibition suddenly-Out of the BLUE explores the poetic and symbolic interweaving of ambivalence: moon and sun, light and darkness, presence and absence ... (These) opposing forces complement each other and give rise to a sense of interdependence and/or symbiosis, where one finds meaning and purpose in the existence of the other. The artworks invite the visitor to reflect on the complex relationships of duality, their fluid transitions and the impact they have on our perception, emotions and memory. The exhibition opens up space for an in-depth contemplation of the harmony, conflict and balance that arises between seemingly antagonistic forces.

About the artist: Maja Krusec is in 2017, under the mentorship of prof. Dushana Kirbish, graduated in Visual Poetry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and engineering of the University of Ljubljana, majoring in graphic and interactive communication. The technique in which he creates is collage, the works of art are hand-crafted and unique. The works are based on the theory of visual poetry, which relies on the artistic directions of Cubism, Dadaism, and draws inspiration mainly from the Slovenian (neo)avant-garde collective OHO. Discovery and acquaintance with various artistic, especially (neo)avant-garde collectives, movements and ways of creation led to the formation of her autonomous artistic voice, and at the same time to the development of the singularity of her art, in which she intertwines the word with the image and the form with the content. He presents them under the stage name Ludovich.

The art exhibition will be on display until 15. 1. 2025 in the gallery of the House of youth. You are invited.

As already a few months ago, the third weekend of the month is again dedicated to our exchange office, which will be waiting for you already in the lobby of our youth cultural center.

It is a socially, environmentally as well as economically responsible and accessible way to revamp our winter wardrobe and replace fashion pieces with others, worn but perfectly preserved. Books, a whole bunch of them, will also join this exchange, so book enthusiasts are also welcome.

The exchange is carried out according to the Bring-take principle. We accept well-preserved and still wearable winter clothes, shoes, fashion accessories, board games and books. Remember - what is garbage for someone is treasure for another, so you are kindly invited to breathe new life into old things.

Exchange office schedule:

We will soon bring the three-month course of modern circus to the end. In three months, the participants got acquainted with a series of all sorts of circus tricks, techniques and antics, which will undoubtedly diversify their free, as well as working hours. The group of participants who regularly attended the course was very diverse, a real intergenerational and cross-sectoral mix, but very connected and pleasant. Thursday's meetings were held under the mentorship of circus pedagogue Kristina Debenjak, a member of the Slovenian Association for circus pedagogy – Cirkokrog.

On the last day of the course, we will open the circus skills lesson to the public, together we will also be able to peek into the circus suitcase and try our hand at circus skills. This will be followed by the presentation of certificates to participants and informal socializing. Well invited!

All concerts will take place in the bar House of youth, more information on the links of individual events.

7. 12., 21.30, ZZ Top Cover Band

13. 12., 21.00, Big Bibles Brothers Band

14. 12., 20.00, Metropolis problems: Jet Black Diamonds, Gartroze (organized by the Ajdovska students and students Ajdovska Club)

20. 12., 21.00, pero Lovshin and band

25. 12., 21.00, Vili Resnik & Band

27. 12., 21.00, Drum'n'bass

28. 12., 21.00, Romachild, AnderKaver & Harpier ( )

More info about the events of the House of youth - Facebook Instagramme, Instagram, and Facebook.

Veseli december je tu, vabljeni da ga preživite tudi v naši družbi!


Prihod Miklavža in praznična lutkovna predstava Kako je lisica dobila zlati rep (SiTi Teater).

Kako je lisica dobila zlati rep je hudomušna predstava, ki otroke nasmeje, hkrati pa jih sooči s temo drugačnosti. Lisici, ki na svoj rojstni dan izgubi rep, se svet obrne na glavo. Ne le, da se Lisica sooča s fizično bolečino, Lisica postane otožna in zagrenjena. Zavrača prijatelje, še huje, zasovraži sebe in vse okrog sebe. Vidi se kot žrtev, zaradi repa je drugačna in manjvredna. V gozdu spozna mestno vilo, ki jo reši iz pasti, Vila pa ji pomaga do spoznanja, da vse ni tako hudo, kot se Lisici zdi.

Skupaj z Lisico bomo priklicali tudi prvega izmed decembrskih dobrih mož Miklavža.

Vabljeni v Dvorano prve slovenske vlade v četrtek, 5. 12. ob 17. uri.

Vstop je prost.

Lutkovno igrana predstava je primerna za otroke 3+. Vse obiskovalce vljudno naprošamo, da otroke spremlja po ena odrasla oseba, da se ogled predstave omogoči čimvečjemu številu otrok.


Kino Ajdovščina vabi otroke (6+) na ogled družinskega animiranega filma Superbožiček .

Po toliko letih razveseljevanja otrok po vsem svetu Božiček hrepeni po novih dogodivščinah in zdi se, da ne more zbrati svoje legendarne motivacije, zagona in energije, da bi izpolnil svoje poslanstvo. Sanja o tem, da bi bil bolj podoben svojemu idolu, filmskemu superjunaku »SuperBožičku«, ki se bori tudi z zlikovci, medtem ko otrokom vsepovsod dostavlja igrače. Toda ko štiri dni pred božičem zaradi nesreče Božiček izgubi spomin, začne verjeti, da je res Superbožiček in se odpravi iskat filmskega zlobneža Grumpusa, svojega največjega sovražnika. Božiček, ki ga zasleduje njegov ljubki škrat Leo in ga obupano želi najti, namesto tega naleti na 11-letno deklico Billie, ki spozna, da je zdaj morda edino upanje, da reši božič.

Nakup kart je možen na ali v dvorani eno uro pred dogodkom.


Prihod Dedka Mraza in čarovniška predstava s čarodejem Jole Cole.

Konec decembra bomo nestrpno pričakovali še zadnjega od decembrskih mož, Dedka Mraza! Da ga bomo lažje pričakali, nas bo pred njegovim prihodom s svojimi čarovniškimi triki zabaval čarodej Jole Cole s praznično predstavo Praznična čarovnija. Jole Cole nam je obljubil, da bo to najboljša praznična predstava, če bodo le otroci prišli in sodelovali z njim. Pravi tudi, da bo predstava polna smeha, čarovniških trikov in neverjetnih vragolij. Pa da bo Dedka Mraza kar iz čarobnega kovčka izvlekel! Mu bo uspelo? Hmmm, najbolje da preverimo kar sami z obiskom Dvorane prve slovenske vlade, 30. 12., ob 17. uri.

Vstop je prost.

Vse obiskovalce vljudno naprošamo, da otroke spremlja po ena odrasla oseba, da se ogled predstave omogoči čimvečjemu številu otrok.


Ko dosežemo theta stanje možganov še v budnem stanju (sicer ga samo ponoči), pridemo v stik s svojo podzavestjo in presežemo svoj analitični um . To je ključnega pomena, saj so v podzavesti vse naše slabe navade in vedenja, ki jih želimo spremeniti.

Theta meditacija nam odpre oči, kje v življenju smo pozabili nase, in nas povabi, da začnemo v polnosti živeti sebe.

Kaj še pridobimo?

Za koga je theta meditacija?

Na tečaju se spoznamo tudi s samohipnozo za spreminjanje vedenjskih vzorcev, ki nam ne služijo.

Tečaj vodi Urška Petrovčič, NLP praktik, NLP mojstrica in bivša marketingašica. Pravi: » Meditacija mi je prinesla toliko pozitivnih sprememb in tudi odnesla, kar mi ni več služilo, da sem sklenila to neprecenljivo znanje deliti tudi z drugimi!

Več info in prijava:

Besedilo isto kot zgoraj. Več info in prijava:

V sredo, 18. decembra ob 18. uri, ste vabljeni na uro čustvenega fitnesa – trening krepitve notranje moči, pravi energijski miks, sestavljen iz:

- predavanja , kjer ozaveščamo, kako do boljših odnosov,

- vadbe za pretočno telo in

- druženja ob napitku večne mladosti.

Voditeljica Nevenka Žejn bo tokrat spregovorila o mojstrstvu postavljanja meja.

Podrobnosti in prijave na

V četrtek, 19. 12., vabljeni na zvočno kopel v MC Hiša mladih v Ajdovščini, ki jo bo izvajal Gal Furlan.

Začne ob 19. uri, zato prosimo, da pridete vsaj 10 minut prej, da se pravočasno namestite. Zvočna kopel bo trajala približno 60 minut.

Več si lahko preberete na tej povezavi:

Zaradi prostorske omejitve so obvezne rezervacije na ali na 031 494 852.

Vstop je prost!

S seboj prinesite ležalno podlogo, spalno vrečo ali odejo ter steklenico vode.

Opozorilo : Na zvočno kopel ne prihajajte vinjeni in/ali pod vplivom psihoaktivnih substanc. Skupinska zvočna kopel ni priporočljiva za ljudi s hujšimi srčnimi obolenji, epilepsijo in težjimi psihičnimi težavami, temu je primernejša individualna zvočna kopel.

Četrtek, 12. 12., 18.00, Galerija Hiše mladih: Otvoritev razstave NENADOMA - Out of the BLUE

Razstava NENADOMA – Out of the BLUE raziskuje poetično in simbolično prepletanje ambivalentnosti: lune in sonca, svetlobe in teme, prisotnosti in odsotnosti ... (Te) Nasprotne sile se medsebojno dopolnjujejo in vzbujajo občutek soodvisnosti in/ali simbioze, kjer ena najde smisel in namen v obstoju druge. Umetniška dela vabijo obiskovalca k razmisleku o kompleksnih odnosih dualnosti, njihovih fluidnih prehodih ter vplivu, ki ga imajo na naše zaznavanje, čustvovanje in spomin. Razstava odpira prostor za poglobljeno kontemplacijo o harmoniji, konfliktih in ravnovesju, ki nastaja med navidezno antagonističnimi silami.

O umetnici: Maja Krušec je leta 2017, pod mentorstvom prof. Dušana Kirbiša, diplomirala iz Vizualne poezije na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, smer grafične in interaktivne komunikacije. Tehnika, v kateri ustvarja, je kolaž, umetniška dela so ročno oblikovana in unikatna. Dela temeljijo na teoriji vizualne poezije, ki se naslanja na umetniške smeri kubizma, dadaizma, inspiracijo pa črpa predvsem iz slovenskega (neo)avantgardnega kolektiva OHO. Odkrivanje in spoznavanje z raznimi umetniškimi, predvsem (neo)avantgardnimi kolektivi, gibanji in načini ustvarjanja je pripeljalo do oblikovanja njenega avtonomnega umetniškega glasu ter hkrati do razvoja singularnosti njene umetnosti, v katerem prepleta besedo s sliko in obliko z vsebino. Predstavlja jih pod umetniškim imenom Ludovich.

Umetniška razstava bo na ogled vse do 15. 1. 2025 v Galeriji Hiše mladih. Vabljeni.

Kot že nekaj mesecev doslej, tretji vikend v mesecu znova namenjamo naši izmenjevalnici, ki vas bo pričakala že v avli našega mladinskega kulturnega centra.

Gre za družbeno, okoljsko pa tudi ekonomsko odgovoren in dostopen način, da prevetrimo svojo zimsko garderobo in modne kose zamenjamo z drugimi, nošenimi, a odlično ohranjenimi. Tokratni izmenjevalnici se bodo pridružile tudi knjige, cel kup le-teh, tako da dobrodošli tudi knjižni navdušenci.

Izmenjevalnica poteka po principu prinesi-odnesi. Sprejemamo dobro ohranjena in še nosljiva zimska oblačila, obutev, modne dodatke, družabne igre in knjige. Ne pozabite - kar je za nekoga smet, je za drugega zaklad, zato lepo vabljeni, da starim stvarem vdahnete novo življenje.

Urnik izmenjevalnice:

Trimesečni tečaj sodobnega cirkusa bomo kmalu pripeljali do konca. V treh mesecih so se udeleženci spoznali z vrsto najrazličnejših cirkuških trikov, tehnik in vragolij, ki jim bodo nedvomno popestrile prosti, pa tudi delovni čas. Skupina udeležencev, ki je redno obiskovala tečaj, je bila zelo raznolika, pravi medgeneracijski in medsektorski miks, a zelo povezana in prijetna. Četrtkova srečanja so potekala pod mentorstvom cirkuške pedagoginje Kristine Debenjak, članice Slovenskega združenja za cirkuško pedagogiko – Cirkokrog.

Na zadnji dan tečaja bomo učno uro cirkuških veščin odprli za javnost, skupaj bomo lahko pokukali tudi v cirkuški kovček in se preizkusili v cirkuških veščinah. Sledila bo podelitev potrdil udeležencem ter neformalno druženje. Lepo vabljeni!

Vsi koncerti se bodo odvili v baru Hiša mladih, več informacij na povezavah posameznih dogodkov.

7. 12., 21.30, ZZ Top Cover Band

13. 12., 21.00, Big Bibls Brothers Band

14. 12., 20.00, Metropola problemi : Jet Black Diamonds, Gartrože (organizira Klub ajdovskih študentov in dijakov Ajdovščina)

20. 12., 21.00, Pero Lovšin in band

25. 12., 21.00, Vili Resnik & Band

27. 12., 21.00, Drum’n’bass

28. 12., 21.00, Romachild, AnderKaver & Harpier ( )

Več info o dogodkih Hiše mladih - , Instagram in Facebook.

Additional links:
Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Mladinski kulturni center Hiša mladih Ajdovščina
Cesta IV. Prekomorske 61 A, 5270 Ajdovščina
+386 (0)5 368 93 83
Mobile Phone:
+386 (0)41 945 392
Location: Mladinski kulturni center Hiša mladih Ajdovščina