Nutria events


children theatre

On Thursday, 6. 2. 2025, at 17. the fourth children's subscription dance music theatre show JURI MURI in Africa is dancing performed by the Ljubljana Dance Theatre.

According to the story of Tonet the Peacock

Juri Muri refuses to bathe and flees to Africa. He soon conquers the desert and the animals accept him as their friend. In Africa, he learns, among other things, that "... one can find a hospitable and open people who accept him and teach him what is right and wrong in life, what is delusion and what is prejudice, and, last but not least, how important it is to be a model of cleanliness, not only physical, but also internal, who weaves genuine bonds of friendship". With the help of African rhythms, live music, dolls of unusual sizes and a lot of dance, the show tells about the geography, colors and differences in this world.

Directed By Ivana Djilas

Co-creators and performers: Blaz Celarec, Jose-Joseph Nzobandora, Masha Kagao Knez, Vito Animveis

Information and purchase of tickets:

V četrtek, 6. 2. 2025, ob 17. uri bo na sporedu četrta otroška abonmajska plesno glasbeno gledališka predstava JURI MURI V AFRIKI PLEŠE v izvedbi Plesnega teatra Ljubljana.

Po zgodbi Toneta Pavčka

Juri Muri se noče kopati in pobegne v Afriko. Kmalu osvoji puščavo in živali ga sprejmejo za svojega prijatelja. V Afriki med drugim spozna, da človek »… lahko najde gostoljubno in odprto ljudstvo, ki ga sprejme in ga poduči, kaj je v življenju prav in kaj narobe, kaj je zabloda in kaj predsodek, in ne nazadnje, kako pomembno je biti čistoče vzor, ne le telesne, tudi tiste notranje, ki tke pristne prijateljske vezi«. S pomočjo afriških ritmov, glasbe v živo, lutk nenavadnih velikosti in veliko plesa predstava pripoveduje o geografiji, barvah in razlikah na tem svetu.

Režija: Ivana Djilas

Soustvarjalci in izvajalci: Blaž Celarec, Jose – Joseph Nzobandora, Maša Kagao Knez, Vito Weis

Informacije in nakup vstopnic:

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Location: Narodni dom Mežica, 2392 Mežica