Nutria events

Hedgehog Sonic 3 Ježek Sonic 3


Sonic The Hedgehog 3, 2024, USA, Japan

Directed By: Jeff FO Animatler

Language: dubbed into Slovenian

animated adventure, 01h51min

Sonic the Hedgehog returns to the big screen in his most exciting adventure ever, in the third sequel to the animated Family Adventure Sonic The Hedgehog 3.

Trailer :

Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails reunite against a new powerful adversary named Shado Smith, a mysterious villain with entirely different powers they have faced so far. Using their extraordinary abilities, the team must seek out an unlikely alliance in hopes of stopping the Shado 6 and protecting the planet.

Pre-sale of tickets: Alga Gallery.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3, 2024, ZDA, Japonska

Režija: Jeff Fowler

Jezik: Sinhronizirano v slovenščino

animirana pustolovščina, 01h51min

Ježek Sonic se vrača na velika platna v svoji najbolj razburljivi pustolovščini doslej, v tretjem nadaljevanju animirane družinske pustolovščine Ježek Sonic 3.

Napovednik :

Sonic, Knuckles in Tails se ponovno združijo proti novemu močnemu nasprotniku po imenu Shadow, skrivnostnemu zlobnežu s povsem drugačnimi močmi, s katerimi so se soočili doslej. S svojimi izjemnimi sposobnostmi mora ekipa poiskati malo verjetno zavezništvo v upanju, da bo ustavila Shadowa in zaščitila planet.

Predprodaja vstopnic : Galerija Alga.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Center za kulturo, šport in prireditve Izola
Kraška 1, 6310 Izola
051 396 283
Location: Kraška 1, 6310 Izola