Nutria events

JELENEC NIKO 3 (Syn. animated adventure) JELENČEK NIKO 3 (sinh. animirana pustolovščina)

children cinema

The deer Niko returns, still lively, mischievous and full of energy. But he is already a little bigger and dreams of joining Santa's flying forces. He leaves home to fulfill his dream, but soon learns that someone else is competing for the same position. Deer Stele. To make it easier for the rest of the forces to decide who is more suitable, they impose three challenges on Niko and Stella; after two, the outcome is tied, so everything depends on the last, the most difficult. But to make the thing not so easy, Santa's sleigh also disappears just before Christmas. Where are they? Who took them? And will Niko and Stella be able to find them? During a tense, dangerous and at times also fun search, Niko and Stela come to a deep realization that surprises all adults.

Directed By: Kari Juusonen, Jorgen Lerdam

Screenplay: Kari Juusonen, Marteinn Thorisson, Hannu Tuomainen

Duration: 86 minutes

Jelenček Niko se vrača, še vedno živahen, navihan in poln energije. Je pa že malo večji in sanja o tem, da bi se pridružil Božičkovim letečim silam. Odpravi se od doma, da bi izpolnil svoje sanje, a kaj kmalu izve, da se za isto mesto poteguje še nekdo. Jelenčica Stela. Da bi se preostali člani sil lažje odločili, kdo je bolj primeren, Niku in Steli naložijo tri izzive; po dveh je izid izenačen, zato je vse odvisno od zadnjega, najtežjega. Da pa stvar ne bi bila tako enostavna, tik pred božičem izginejo tudi Božičkove sani. Kje so? Kdo jih je vzel? In ali jih bo Niku in Steli uspelo najti? Med napetim, nevarnim in na trenutke tudi zabavnim iskanjem Niko in Stela prideta do globokega spoznanja, ki preseneti vse odrasle.

Režija: Kari Juusonen, Jorgen Lerdam

Scenarij: Kari Juusonen, Marteinn Thorisson, Hannu Tuomainen

Trajanje: 86 minut

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Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Zavod za kulturo, šport in mladino Občine Tolmin
Dijaška ulica 12c, 5220 Tolmin
Matjaž Žbogar
(05) 38 11 683
Mobile Phone:
041 625 803
Location: Tolmin, Kinogledališče