Nutria events

Public guided tour of the exhibition Metaphysics of color by Modulilhelm Heiliger Javno vodstvo po razstavi Metafizika barve avtorja Wilhelma Heiligerja

culture exhibition

The exhibition, which brings an extremely rich insight into the creative opus of the artist and presents works in the field of painting, drawings on paper, photography and sculpture. With the guidance, you will be able to get to know up close the artistic process of Modulilhelm Heiliger, his exploration of color and the philosophy that permeates his creation. The exhibition will be led by exhibition curator Pavla Jarc.

Together with us, you are invited to experience an artistic experience full of color metaphysics and artistic searches. Admission is free.

Artwork data: 6, 1995, Plexi on Plexi plosci, 100 / 100 cm

Razstava, ki prinaša izjemno bogat vpogled v ustvarjalni opus umetnika in predstavlja dela s področja slikarstva, risb na papirju, fotografije in skulpture. Ob vodstvu boste lahko od blizu spoznali umetniški proces Wilhelma Heiligerja, njegovo raziskovanje barve ter filozofijo, ki prežema njegovo ustvarjanje. Po razstavi bo vodila kustosinja razstave Pavla Jarc.

Vabljeni, da skupaj z nami doživite umetniško izkušnjo, polno barvne metafizike in likovnih iskanj. Vstop je prost.

Podatki o umetniškem delu: Wilhelm Heiliger, Brez naslova 6, 1995, pleksi na pleksi plosci, 100 x 100 cm

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Galerija Velenje
Titov trg 5, 3320 Velenje
(03) 828 00 10
Location: Galerija Velenje