Nutria events



Dani Strehar,, +386 (0)31 363 179.

A witty and heartfelt look at the differences, defects and peculiarities of both men and women, through a modern female perspective.

After the enormous success of the show Cave Man, The Comedy cave woman, by Emma Peirson, is now exciting on Slovenian stages. In the lead role, Rebeka Dremelj shines, who conquers the audience with her performance. Under the direction of Ranka Babi alternative, known for his hit comedies men's slippers and midlife crisis, the show continues to delight viewers all over Slovenia.

This inspiring comedy tells the story of two completely different creatures who desperately try to coexist on one small planet – and share one bathroom.

Author: Emma Peirson

Screenplay: Emma Peirson and Vanessa Frost

Directed By Ranko Babi / /

Played By: Rebekah Dremelj

Production: POPUP Theatre and theater Mogul

Graphic design:

Dani Strehar,, +386 (0)31 363 179.

Duhovit in prisrčen pogled na razlike, napake in posebnosti tako moških kot žensk, skozi sodobno žensko perspektivo.

Po izjemnem uspehu predstave Jamski človek zdaj na slovenskih odrih navdušuje še komedija Jamska ženska, avtorice Emme Peirson. V glavni vlogi blesti Rebeka Dremelj, ki s svojo predstavo osvaja občinstvo. Pod režijsko taktirko Ranka Babića, ki ga poznamo po hit komedijah Moška copata in Kriza srednjih let, predstava še naprej razveseljuje gledalce po vsej Sloveniji.

Ta navdihujoča komedija pripoveduje zgodbo o dveh popolnoma različnih bitjih, ki obupano poskušata sobivati na enem majhnem planetu – in si deliti eno kopalnico.

Avtor besedila: Emma Peirson

Scenarij: Emma Peirson in Vanessa Frost

Režija: Ranko Babić

Igra: Rebeka Dremelj

Produkcija: POPUP Teater in Theater Mogul

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POPUP Teater
Location: Cultural Center Menges, Slovenska cesta 32, 1234 Mengeš