Nutria events

Cave woman Jamska ženska


The purchase of tickets is not possible at the box office of the National Home. For more information, please contact the organizer: POPUP Teater

After the cave man, the cave woman

The comedy cave woman by Emma Peirson is coming to the Slovenian stage after the incredible success of the play Caveman . Rebekah Dremelj enters the shoes of the world bestseller under the tutelage of Director Ranko Babi alternative , whom we met in two hit comedies men's slippers and Midlife Crisis.

It is a witty and heartfelt look at the differences, defects and peculiarities of both men and women through a modern female perspective. An inspiring comedy tells the story of two completely different creatures who desperately try to coexist on one small planet – and share one bathroom.

Nakup vstopnic ni mogoč na blagajni Narodnega doma. Za več informacij se obrnite na organizatorja: POPUP Teater

Po Jamskem človeku še Jamska ženska

Po neverjetni uspešnici predstave Jamski človek prihaja na slovenske odre komedija Jamska ženska avtorice Emme Peirson . V čevlje svetovne uspešnice vstopa Rebeka Dremelj pod taktirko režiserja Ranka Babića , ki smo ga spoznali v dveh Hit komedijah Moška copata ter Kriza srednjih let.

Gre za duhovit in prisrčen pogled na razlike, napake in posebnosti tako moških kot žensk skozi sodobno žensko perspektivo. Navdihujoča komedija pripoveduje zgodbo o dveh popolnoma različnih bitjih, ki obupano poskušata sobivati na enem majhnem planetu – in si deliti eno kopalnico.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Narodni dom Maribor
Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
mag. Mojca Pušnik
(02) 22 940 27
Location: Dvorana generala Maistra, Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Maribor