Nutria events

Educational evening-all about fruit growing Izobraževalni večer - Vse o sadjarstvu


KZ Cerklje,, +386 4 25 29 010.

Educational evening: all about fruit growing

Date: 16. January 2025

Time: 18: 00

Location: Small Hall, 2. floor, administration KZ Cerklje, Slovenska cesta 2, Cerklje na Gorenjskem

You are invited to an educational evening on the topic of fruit growing! You will learn all about the features of fruit growing, and the event will also include a practical demonstration of pruning fruit trees. The event will be hosted by Mr. Bostjan Luznar, univ. degree Eng. agronomy .

The event is free of charge and organized by the Cerklje Agricultural Cooperative to celebrate its 125th anniversary.

KZ Cerklje,, +386 4 25 29 010.

Izobraževalni večer: Vse o sadjarstvu

Datum: 16. januar 2025

Čas: 18:00

Lokacija: Mala dvorana, 2. nadstropje, uprava KZ Cerklje, Slovenska cesta 2, Cerklje na Gorenjskem

Vabljeni na izobraževalni večer na temo sadjarstva! Izvedeli boste vse o značilnostih sadjarstva, dogodek pa bo vključeval tudi praktični prikaz obrezovanja sadnega drevja. Dogodek bo vodil g. Boštjan Luznar, univ. dipl. inž. agronomije .

Dogodek je brezplačen in ga organizira Kmetijska zadruga Cerklje ob praznovanju 125-letnice obstoja.

Description and event details are taken from here. All copyrights belong to the respective authors.
Kmetijska zadruga Cerklje
Location: Kmetijska zadruga Cerklje, z.o.o., Trgovina Cerklje, Slovenska cesta 2, 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem