Blanka Tomsic,, 070 732 070.
The clothing exchange stands on the foundations of volunteering, co-creation, sharing. We see these values especially important precisely in times of individualism, consumer capitalism and Anthropocene destruction of nature.
The fashion industry is one of the largest industries in the world today.
- Every year we produce 100 billion pieces of clothing.
- Every year 190 000 tons of plastic textile microfiber land in the oceans.
- The fashion industry is responsible for 24% of the global use of insecticides and 11% of the use of pesticides.
We invite everyone who would like to be ecological, humanitarian and at the same time contribute to the culture of exchange and reuse. ♻️
We are also looking for new volunteers, for occasional help or even follow-up on the new school year. If he calls you, give us a fuck at an event or write to Tei Vuga ( or
Bring only seasonal, clean, undamaged pieces - such as you would be happy to give as a gift.
It is also possible to try on clothes, but you can also do it at home, and in case of inadequacy, bring it back next time.
We are not responsible for the packaging - you are welcome to bring your own bag/purse.
The event will be held at the premises of the AIA-Youth Center Menges, Slovenska C.28.
See you later!
Blanka Tomšič,, 070 732 070.
Izmenjevalnica oblačil stoji na temeljih prostovoljstva, soustvarjanja, deljenja. Te vrednote vidimo še posebej pomembne prav v času individualizma, potrošniškega kapitalizma in antropocenega uničevanja narave.
Modna industrija je danes ena največjih industrij na svetu.
- Vsako leto proizvedemo 100 milijard kosov oblačil.
- Vsako leto pristane v oceanih 190 000 ton plastičnih tekstilnih mikrovlaken.
- Modna industrija je odgovorna za 24% svetovne uporabe insekticidov in 11% uporabe pesticidov.
Vabljeni vsi_e, ki bi želeli_e biti ekološki_e, humanitarni_e in hkrati prispevati kulturi izmenjevanja in ponovne uporabe. ♻️
Iščemo tudi nove prostovoljce_ke, za občasno pomoč ali pa celo spremljanje ob novem šolskem letu. Če te pokliče, nas pocukaj na dogodku ali piši Tei Vuga ( ali
Prinesite le sezonske, čiste, nepoškodovane kose - take, kakršnih bi bili veseli v dar tudi vi.
Oblačila je možno tudi pomeriti, lahko pa to naredite tudi doma, in ob primeru neustreznostu prinesete nazaj naslednjič.
Za embalažo ne odgovarjamo - vabljeni_e, da s seboj prinesete lastno vrečko/torbico.
Dogodek bo v prostorih AIA - Mladinskega centra Mengeš, Slovenska c. 28.
Se vidimo!