By exchanging, we give Used Clothes the opportunity to return back to use. In doing so, we contribute to a cleaner environment and a better society, while having fun and saving money.
Therefore, instead of a trade between 11. And 15. in December 2024, turn the power point in Postojna, where you can exchange your clothes, as well as shoes, jewelry and other fashion accessories.
Wednesday: from 13h to 18h
Thursday: from 10h to 18h
Friday: from 10h to 18h
Saturday: from 10h to 13h
Sunday: from 10h to 13h
Saturday at 10. we also invite you to the workshop on the production of recycled holiday decorations , which will be led by Karmen Tomazic.
How is the exchange going?
Collect clothes, shoes and fashion accessories at home that you no longer need. Bring only clean and preserved things to the exchange office - the way you yourself would like to get them. At the exchange office, put them in a suitable place, and in return, choose something that you will need in the coming season. Keep in mind that as many things and of such quality as you brought, you are also allowed to take away.
Leave the exchange behind stowed away.
The new life of used Things project raises awareness of the consequences of excessive textile consumption and offers an alternative to shopping through clothing exchanges. In 2024 and 2025 it is carried out in cooperation with the municipality of Postojna within the framework of the project GREEN-TE otherwise by the associations Prostor and Lokalc.
Z izmenjavo damo rabljenim oblačilom priložnost, da se vrnejo nazaj v uporabo. S tem pripomoremo k čistejšemu okolju in boljši družbi, pri tem pa se zabavamo in privarčujemo.
Zato namesto v trgovino med 11. In 15. decembrom 2024 zavijte Točko moči v Postojni, kjer boste lahko izmenjali svoja oblačila, pa tudi obutev, nakit in druge modne dodatke.
Sreda: od 13h do 18h
Četrtek: od 10h do 18h
Petek: od 10h do 18h
Sobota: od 10h do 13h
Nedelja: od 10h do 13h
V soboto ob 10. uri vas lepo vabimo tudi na Delavnica izdelave recikliranih prazničnih okraskov , ki jo bo vodila Karmen Tomažič.
Kako poteka izmenjava?
Doma zberite oblačila, obutev in modne dodatke, ki jih ne potrebujete več. Na izmenjevalnico prinesite le čiste in ohranjene stvari - takšne, kot jih bi tudi sami želeli dobiti. Na izmenjevalnici jih odložite na primerno mesto, v zameno pa izberite nekaj kar boste v prihajajoči sezoni potrebovali. Upoštevajte, da toliko stvari in takšne kakovosti kot ste prinesli, smete tudi odnesti.
Izmenjevalnico za seboj pustite pospravljeno.
Projekt NOVO ŽIVLJENJE ODRABLJENIH STVARI ozavešča o posledicah prekomerne potrošnje tekstila in z izmenjevalnicami oblačil ponuja alternativo nakupovanju. V letih 2024 in 2025 ga v sodelovanju z Občino Postojna v okviru projekta GREEN-TEX izvajata društvi Prostor in Lokalc.