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Selected / Anja Zag Pigeon: an attempt at everyday life Izbrano | Anja Zag Golob: Poskus vsakdanjosti


Vodnik Homestead


Anja Zag Golob: an attempt at everyday life

An attempt at everyday life (self-publishing, 2024) is the first prose work by poet, editor, columnist and translator Anja Zag Golob . These are 11 free writings on seemingly mundane things, but they lost their status of self-evident during and after the epidemic. In order to keep these fundamental points of her life alive, the author decided, writing about them - namely prose. You are invited to talk to the author and Nastya Virk about the collection of free writings.


"They are not essays in the classical sense, as literary theory teaches us about them, they are too short for that and probably not deep enough," says the author. "For me, the attempt at everyday life was, above all, an attempt to keep alive, present things that, without even realizing it, made sense of existence before the world went out. It was then that I realized that I miss them, although I still have them at my fingertips for the most part, I just can't reach them in the same way anymore, because the context has completely changed in the meantime."

11 free accounts to talk about the Polish režiserju Krzysztofu Kieślowskem, especially on one of his film about the experience of art, and one of the beograjskem kafiču with a meaningful name of the muziki band Ekatarina Velika, tea, t & # potatoes on the poetry, letters and correspondence, Kölnskem at Keitha Jarretta, train, store, and on one of the trees. The attempt at the mundane is not meant to be a large, monumental book; I would rather whisper than scream. This does not mean at all that the book is not ambitious, it just does not want to go into the struggle for the attention of the audience in the same league as ... all this mass of reading, washed up by the discomfort of the post-Corona time. If she managed to establish a dialogue with the reader / reader and get them to smile here and there, she would fully achieve her purpose.


Anja Zag Golob (1976, Slovenj Gradec) is a poet. So far, she has Published 5 solo collections of poetry in Slovenian (in hand - 2010, Vesa in the fold - 2013, didascalia to breathe - 2016, da ne - 2019, / 2023) and received 3 awards (Jenkov prize - 2014 & 2016, critical sieve - 2020). She studied philosophy and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, wrote stage reviews for the evening for 12 years, and since 2013 she has been running the comic book publishing house VigeVageKnjige, specializing in risoroman. She also works as a translator and columnist. She works and lives in Maribor with her family.


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Vodnikova domačija ŠIŠKA


Anja Zag Golob: Poskus vsakdanjosti

Poskus vsakdanjosti (samozaložba, 2024) je prvo prozno delo pesnice, urednice, kolumnistke in prevajalke Anje Zag Golob . Gre za 11 prostih spisov o na videz vsakdanjih rečeh, ki pa so med epidemijo in po njej svoj status samoumevnosti izgubile. Da bi te temeljne točke svojega življenja ohranila žive, se je avtorica odločila, pisati o njih - in sicer prozo. Vabljeni na pogovor avtorice in Nastje Virk o zbirki prostih spisov.


"Ne gre za eseje v klasičnem smislu, kakor nas o njih uči literarna teorija, za to so prekratki in verjetno ne dovolj globokoumni," pravi avtorica. "Poskus vsakdanjosti je bil zame predvsem to, poskus, kako zadržati žive, prisotne reči, ki so mi, ne da bi se tega sploh zavedala, osmišljale obstoj, preden se je svet ugasnil. Takrat sem ugotovila, da jih pogrešam, čeprav jih imam večinoma še vedno na dosegu roke, samo do njih ne morem več na isti način, ker se je kontekt vmes popolnoma spremenil."

11 prostih spisov govori o poljskem režiserju Krzysztofu Kieślowskem, še posebej o enem njegovem filmu, o doživljanju umetnosti in enem beograjskem kafiču s pomenljivim imenom, o muziki benda Ekatarina Velika, čaju, praženem krompirju, o poeziji, pismih in dopisovanju, Kölnskem koncertu Keitha Jarretta, vlakih, knjigarnah ter o enem drevesu. Poskus vsakdanjosti ni mišljen kot velika, monumentalna knjiga; raje bi šepetal kot kričal. To nikakor ne pomeni, da knjiga ni ambiciozna, le noče se podajati v boj za pozornost publike v isti ligi kot ... vsa ta množica čtiva, ki jo je naplavilo nelagodje post-koronskega časa. Če bi ji uspelo vzpostaviti dialog z bralko / bralcem ter ju tu in tam pripraviti, da se nasmehneta, bi svoj namen v celoti dosegla.


Anja Zag Golob (1976, Slovenj Gradec) je pesnica. Doslej je izdala 5 samostojnih pesniških zbirk v slovenščini (V roki - 2010, Vesa v zgibi - 2013, Didaskalije k dihanju - 2016, da ne - 2019, watson - 2023) ter zanje prejela 3 nagrade (Jenkova nagrada - 2014 & 2016, kritiško sito - 2020). Študirala je filozofijo in primerjalno književnost na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti, 12 let je pisala odrske kritike za Večer, od leta 2013 pa vodi stripovsko založbo VigeVageKnjige, specializirano za risoroman. Deluje tudi kot prevajalka in kolumnistka. Dela in z družino živi v Mariboru.


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Location: Vodnikova domačija Šiška, Ljubljana