Happiness is a magical feeling that awakens with love, warmth and tiny moments of joy. The spark of happiness event, intended primarily for children up to 10. years, invites you to a fairy-tale world where the candlelit forest dwarf will take children through a story strewn with lights and imagination. In this magical world, dreams, joy and warmth find their place in the hearts of everyone who knows how to feel the true essence of the Christmas and New Year holidays. A special guest of the evening will be Santa Claus with his entourage, so this unforgettable event is simply not to be missed!
Sreča je čaroben občutek, ki se prebudi ob ljubezni, toplini in drobnih trenutkih radosti. Prireditev Iskrice sreče, namenjena predvsem otrokom do 10. leta, vabi v pravljični svet, kjer bo Svečinski gozdni škrat otroke popeljal skozi zgodbo, posuto z lučkami in domišljijo. V tem čarobnem svetu sanje, radost in toplina najdejo svoje mesto v srcih vseh, ki znajo začutiti pravo bistvo božično-novoletnih praznikov. Poseben gost večera bo dedek Mraz s svojim spremstvom, zato te nepozabne prireditve preprosto ne smete zamuditi!