Between 27. November and 5. in December 2024, the cultural incubator will host the exhibition t 6ucana Rendic and Tomaz Pavsk entitled The Embodiment. The artists won the possibility of a solo exhibition in the cultural incubator by receiving the first prize for the best student Intermedia project of the International Festival of computer art – MFRU 2023. The interactive exhibition, curated by Martina Frangez, will be on display until 5. on Dec. 2024.
He will be in the cultural incubator Exhibition Center from 27. November to 5. in December 2024, the exhibition the embodiment of young artists t 6acana Rendic and Tomaz Pavsk is on display. T 6ana and Tomaz are the main winners of the call for the best student Intermedia art project 29. International Festival of computer art (MFRU) in 2023. As a prize, they received the possibility of a solo exhibition in 2024 at the exhibition centre of the cultural incubator on Carinthia Road in Maribor.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Tuesday, 26. in November 2025, at 18. hours in a culture incubator.
Embodiment is an interactive exhibition that explores the intersection of the female body, artificial intelligence and animation. By addressing these themes, the exhibition invites visitors to reflect on how technology shapes our understanding of identity, femininity, and the human experience. the space will be designed to encourage active participation, encouraging dialogue between visitors, artists and technology.
Objectives: to study how artificial intelligence and animation can challenge traditional depictions of the female body.
Encourages interaction: creates an immersive environment that invites visitors to engage with digital and physical artwork.
Encourages discussion: encourage conversations about body politics, technology, and the future of femininity.
The exhibition will be set in a flexible, modular space that encourages research. Dim lighting and impressive projections will create an intimate atmosphere, while interactive zones will be designed to encourage social interaction and collaboration. The layout will guide visitors through different sections, balancing individual reflection and shared experiences.
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Med 27. novembrom in 5. decembrom 2024 bo v Kulturnem inkubatorju na ogled razstava Tyane Rendič in Tomaža Pavška z naslovom Utelešenje. Umetnika sta možnost samostojne razstave v Kulturnem inkubatorju dobila s prejemom prve nagrade za najboljši študentski intermedijski projekt Mednarodnega festivala računalniške umetnosti – MFRU 2023. Interaktivna razstava, ki jo je kurirala Martina Frangež, bo na ogled do 5. decembra. 2024.
V razstavišču Kulturnega inkubatorja bo od 27. novembra do 5. decembra 2024 na ogled razstava Utelešenje mladih umetnikov Tyane Rendič in Tomaža Pavška. Tyana in Tomaž sta glavna nagrajenca Poziva za najboljši študentski intermedijski umetniški projekt 29. Mednarodnega festivala računalniške umetnosti (MFRU) v letu 2023. Kot nagrado sta dobila možnost samostojne razstave v letu 2024 v razstavišču Kulturnega inkubatorja na Koroški cesti v Mariboru.
Odprtje razstave bo v torek, 26. novembra 2025, ob 18. uri v Kulturnem inkubatorju.
Utelešenje je interaktivna razstava, ki raziskuje presečišče ženskega telesa, umetne inteligence in animacije. Z ukvarjanjem s temi temami razstava vabi obiskovalce k razmisleku o tem, kako tehnologija oblikuje naše razumevanje identitete, ženskosti in človeške izkušnje. prostor bo zasnovan tako, da spodbuja aktivno udeležbo, spodbuja dialog med obiskovalci, umetniki in tehnologijo.
Cilji: preučiti, kako lahko umetna inteligenca in animacija izpodbijata tradicionalne upodobitve ženskega telesa.
Spodbuja interakcijo: Ustvarja poglobljeno okolje, ki obiskovalce vabi k sodelovanju z digitalnimi in fizičnimi umetninami.
Spodbuja razpravo: Spodbujajte pogovore o politiki telesa, tehnologiji in prihodnosti ženskosti.
Razstava bo postavljena v fleksibilnem, modularnem prostoru, ki spodbuja raziskovanje. Zatemnjena osvetlitev in impresivne projekcije bodo ustvarile intimno vzdušje, medtem ko bodo interaktivne cone oblikovane za spodbujanje družbene interakcije in sodelovanja. Postavitev bo obiskovalce vodila skozi različne odseke, pri čemer bo uravnotežila individualno refleksijo in skupne izkušnje.
– Tyana Rendič & Tomaž Pavšek
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