Father ASIC said that every time a person passes by, one should bow to the Elm. Magister Kukman stated that every disease we have can be cured with medicinal plants that grow less than half a kilometer from our dwellings, and aunt Pehta announced that for every disease flowers'ca grows.
In December, you and herbalist Sabina Groselj will therefore explore in detail the natural first aid for the immune system.
Pater Ašič je dejal, da se je treba vsakič, ko gre človek mimo, prikloniti bezgu. Magister Kukman je pristavil, da lahko vsako našo bolezen pozdravimo z zdravilnimi rastlinami, ki rastejo manj kot pol kilometra od naših bivališč, teta Pehta pa je naznanila, da za vsako bolezen rož'ca raste.
Decembra boste z zeliščarko Sabino Grošelj zato podrobno raziskali naravno prvo pomoč za imunski sistem.